Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2396: The Return of Shao Li Domineering (2)

Chen Jun's face completely cooled down, "Song Yang, this is the site of my S city, and I am the mayor of S city. Even if it's the level, you have to listen to me. Is there any problem with Huanyu and Xiao Moli? , Here you said nothing."

Xiao Moli had already called him this morning, but expected that Ding Xiaoying and the others would take the opportunity to find trouble in Huanyu.

They had to look through the information and get things, Xiao Moli wouldn't care.

But if he was really asked to take An Ziqi away, with Xiao Moli's character, no one could predict the consequences.

He asked Long Yuan to launch laser missiles directly at the capital, and it is possible to launch a terrorist attack.

Even his dad and mummy may not be able to persuade him.

"Mayor Chen, are you using your rank to force me down?"

Song Yang raised his eyes to look at Chen Jun, "The investigation of Huanyu was directly given to me by the capital. The inspection team is independent of the political and legal system of City S. I have the right not to accept your control. Therefore, I also ask Mayor Chen to step out. "

"Then you try to see if you can take people away from me." Chen Jun's eyes were cold, as he replied incomparably tough.

Song Yang gritted his teeth, "If Mayor Chen intends to use strong words, don't blame me for being rude."

As he spoke, he gestured directly to the people behind him.

An Ziqi, who was surrounded by a group of people behind, frowned tightly.

They have guns on them, and now there are so many media reporters outside.

Huanyu's accident caused the government's investigation itself to be eye-catching, and Chen Jun's arrival has pushed the focus of the matter to a culmination.

Now if both parties are here, things will be even more out of control.

It will also cause Chen Jun a lot of trouble.

Lin Man had already followed them down, and was standing anxiously not far away at the moment, not knowing what to do.

She had already made countless calls to Xiao Moli, but couldn't get through at all.

Over there, seeing that both sides were about to do something, An Ziqi pursed her lips for a moment, glanced at Linman not far away, and then glanced at the crowded media reporters outside the door.

Lin Man has brought An Ziqi for so long, and in some respects, he is no less familiar with An Ziqi than Xiao Moli.

After receiving An Ziqi's eyes, he immediately understood, lifted his leg and pushed the door straight to the door and walked out.

The security personnel outside the door had already struggled to stop the media from letting in. Linman's exit broke the balance between the two sides almost instantly.

The media rushed into the hall directly following the gap left by Linman's pushing the door.

"Miss An, some people say that Huanyu was investigated for tax evasion. Is it true?"

"Miss An, are there any problems between you and Shao Li? Why is Shao Li not here and let you face this alone?"

"Mayor Chen, may I ask if you came here in person because Huanyu really had a problem, do you want to cover it?"

"Mayor Chen, may I ask you and Shao Li are friends, how do you think about tax evasion in Huanyu?"

"Excuse me, what role did you play in the tax evasion incident in Huanyu? Did you deliberately condone it?"


All the questions came at them all at once.

Among them, Song Yang had instructed them to deliberately come to Huanyu to look for a few of the media. At this moment, they are playing rhythm in many media, and their questions are extremely sharp.

Not only did he directly point to Huanyu's tax evasion and tax evasion, he also directly pulled Chen Jun into the water.

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