Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2397: The Return of Shao Li Domineering (3)

In the originally empty Huanyu Hall, it was already crowded by the crowd at this moment.

An Ziqi was surrounded by a group of people, and it was even more difficult to move, unable to move at all.

"Thank you for your concern. As the highest tax-paying enterprise in China, Huanyu has legally paid taxes to the government for every legal income earned by Huanyu, and will also make a contribution to public welfare undertakings. Some people have malicious intent. The ulterior motive is to report to a higher level. Huanyu is willing to accept this grievance and will fully cooperate. Please don’t speculate too much.”

An Ziqi stood in the crowd and replied to the media who asked questions outside.

"As for Xiao Moli and I, there will be a divorce every few days. I am used to it. Whether he loves me or not, time will tell you everything."

Song Yang pursed his lips. He had already taken an admiring look at An Ziqi upstairs just now. He didn't expect An Ziqi to refresh his knowledge so soon.

Every legal income of Huanyu is legally taxed, and there is absolutely no flaw in this statement.

The legal income is taxed, but what about the illegal income?

Every company has a gray area, and large companies like Huanyu are no exception.

An Ziqi not only emphasized Huanyu's legal tax payment, but also secretly pointed out that Huanyu was reported to be wronged, but he would still cooperate.

This answer can be described as perfect, it can be called a textbook level.

If she were not an actor, An Ziqi would definitely be the best and best crisis PR in China.

"Then what happened to such a big thing, where did Li Shao go? Let you face it alone."

"You don't go on business occasionally when you go to work? Or go out for errands? Who has stipulated that Xiao Moli must take me with me when I go out? Do you also take your wife and children on business trips?" An Ziqi asked directly. .

She is naturally experienced in dealing with these gossip media.


Over there, the media was still scrambling for interviews, but An Ziqi unexpectedly cooperated.

The media is almost always answered.

Song Yang's face was already ugly and couldn't be more ugly.

Raising his hand to look at the time, nearly an hour has passed since he went downstairs.

Time is getting more and more pressing, and there must be no further delay.

He squeezed to the front and interrupted the interviews with the media.

Patience opened the mouth and said, "Sorry, we still need to take Ms. An back to assist in the investigation. Please let me know."

Except for the media that he instructed, no one else knew him at all.

Naturally, no one put him in their eyes, turned a blind eye to his opening, and still asked An Ziqi questions.

"Mrs. Xiao, did you voluntarily go back with them?"

"Mrs. Xiao, what do you think about Huanyu being treated this way and being so wronged?"


Not far away, Chen Jun was also surrounded by a large group of media, asking various questions.

Seeing An Ziqi's ease over there, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

An Ziqi is smart enough to use these media to delay time, and she secretly guides public opinion to the point where Huanyu is stigmatized and wronged.

She has enough influence and many fans. Unlike other celebrities who hate gossip media, she has always been popular.

With such multimedia crowded here, she also actively hinted to everyone that An Ziqi was not taken away voluntarily, and might not have the intention to help her.

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