Huang Ying was speechless, clenched a fist and punched Chen Jun's back hard, "Chen Jun, you bully!"

Chen Jun's forehead happily jumped down, very good, in the future, this little girl will have another nickname in his vocabulary.

Go to the front of the car, pull the door, and stuff people directly into the back seat of the car.

Huang Ying took the opportunity to hurriedly reached out to push the door on the other side.

Lang Feng was swift and swift in front of him, and directly pressed the switch to lock the door.

Upon seeing this, Huang Ying had to gritted his teeth and squeezed down towards Chen Jun's door.

Without the slightest accident, she was directly blocked by Chen Jun, stretched out her hand to push her head, and pushed the person back again.

Huang Ying had no choice but to sit in the back, looking through the rearview mirror, giving the Lang Feng in front a fierce look.

Gritted his teeth and said, "Embarrassed!"

Lang Feng turned around and drove silently, just as if he couldn't hear him.

Just kidding, Mayor Chen worked for a few days, didn't even eat breakfast, and didn't care about rest. He came to arrest people personally. If he dared to let them go, then wait for him to be kicked.

Chen Jun got into the car and sat down beside Huang Ying.

Huang Ying turned his head angrily not to look at him.

Lang Feng pursed his lower lip, carefully turned his head to face Chen Jun and asked, "Mayor Chen, where are you going?"

Chen Jun said with a calm face, "Detention center."

When Huang Ying heard these three words, she exploded in an instant.

"Chen Jun, why are you putting me in the detention center? It's not your home, nor your private domain, so let me get out of the car."

"You made a mistake." Chen Jun said coldly.

"What's wrong with me? I just went to work outside to deliver food. You said, which laws and regulations did I commit?" Huang Ying rushed over and grabbed his collar and asked.

"I'll reflect on myself after I go in." Chen Jun didn't move either, sitting in the distance and letting her make trouble by the collar.

Huang Ying gritted his teeth, "Chen Jun, you dare to put me in the detention center again, I will jump out of the car now."

As he said, he acted as if he was going to jump off the car with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Chen Jun's forehead jumped, "Did you jump down?"

Huang Ying remembered that the doors and windows were all closed.

Unless she becomes air, there will be no gaps for her to jump out.


Huang Ying's eyes circled around, and she said indignantly, "Then I will hit the glass, I will fly snow in June, and I will splash your car with blood, and then turn into a ghost and come to you when I die."

Long wind...

Chen Jun...

This little girl didn't know what **** drama she watched recently.

It's only May, and it's still snowing in June.

The vocabulary in her little head is probably only useful when scolding him.

It's already like this, and I even learned from others to come out to work and not go to class!

Lang Feng silently looked at Chen Jun in the rearview mirror.

Chen Jun's forehead jumped suddenly, and he raised his hand to rub his sore forehead, "Go home."

"Yes." Lang Feng responded hurriedly, and then raised the baffle in the middle of the car very consciously.

He didn't want to listen to that little girl Barabara anymore, he was afraid that if he listened any more, he could not help but want to drive the car to the detention center.

In the carriage behind.

Chen Jun rubbed his sore forehead, closed his eyes and said nothing.

Huang Ying secretly turned his head and glanced at Chen Jun. Seeing him closing his eyes expressionlessly, she seemed to be suppressing the anger in her heart.

A handsome face with a gloomy and scary complexion.

It's over, it seems that she really angered the uncle this time.

Although she has now won a temporary victory, she does not need to be detained.

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