Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2705: Love beauty but don't love country

But now that it looks like this, it must be the meaning of going back to settle accounts with her.

His eyes rolled quickly, looking around, desperately thinking about countermeasures.

The car quickly stopped outside.

Huang Ying glanced out the window quickly, and they had already returned to Chen Jun's villa.

Although she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong, she had told herself not to be afraid many times in the car.

But seeing Chen Jun's gloomy face that could freeze, he still shook involuntarily.

There are only two characters in the little head, it's over!

Chen Jun got out of the car and stood outside the car door looking at her sinkingly.

Huang Ying took a slight breath and bit her scalp to get out of the car. Just stepping on the ground with her feet, she subconsciously lifted her legs and ran out of the gate.

What a joke, she is not stupid. If she doesn't run now, can she stay here and wait for him to clean her up?

Of course it is thirty-six counts, and running is the best count!

However, she had just taken a step, before she had time to run out, there was a flash in front of her.

Without seeing Chen Jun's movements clearly, she was then carried on her shoulders by Chen Jun like a sack, and walked towards the house.

"Chen Jun, you robber, beast, bastard, bully, shameless, let me down..."

Huang Ying kicked and struggled desperately with both hands and feet, trying to jump down and escape.

It's just that Chen Jun's hands are like iron tongs, tightly hooped on her body, her waist hurts when she is strangled, and no matter how hard she tries, she can't break free.

In desperation, seeing his neck exposed outside the collar, he opened his mouth and bit down **** his neck.

Chen Jun also stiffened her body instantly on the spot.

He raised his hand and patted her ass, "You can be honest with me."

"Ah, bastard, rascal, I'm fighting with you!"

Huang Ying screamed and beat and kicked.

"Mayor Chen, look at the ten o'clock meeting..." Lang Feng asked bitterly from behind.

"Push it into the afternoon."

Chen Jun replied without hesitation while walking towards the house with Huang Ying on his back.

The corners of Lang Feng's lips twitched, and he now knows what a beauty is!

What does it mean to love beauty and not love Jiangshan!

"You have not rested for a few days, so be careful!"

Lang Feng hurriedly shouted from behind, and then quickly got into the car and left without waiting for Chen Jun to scold him.

Huang Ying was honest, she didn't dare to struggle any more, for fear that Chen Jun would accidentally throw her to the ground.

Her **** will be broken into pieces.

Chen Jun carried people upstairs, returned to the bedroom, and sat on the bed.

With a slight force on the hand that pinched her waist, Huang Ying dropped from her shoulder, and before she was ready to escape, she turned over and pressed it on his leg.

He raised his hand and slapped her **** twice.

Sternly, "Say, what's wrong?"

"I'm not wrong! Chen Jun, why are you spanking me?" Huang Ying yelled, slapped and struggling desperately with her two little hands.

"Up to now, you still don't know where you are wrong? I think the beating is still too light."

"I'm not wrong." Huang Ying shouted stubbornly.

Chen Jun's face was even more ugly, and he raised his hand and hit her **** again a few times.

"That's right? Who asked you to deliver food outside? In the afternoon, you still work in a dessert shop after school. If you don't come home at night, you count yourself. Which one of these did you do right?"

"Ahhh, Chen Jun, do you dare to beat me, I will strangle you, I must strangle you!"

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