Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2746: Who stole his seeds (7)

Arriving outside the hospital, put the little guy in the co-pilot seat.

Yun Yi turned into the car and sat in the driver's seat, staring at Xiao Wei.

He didn't even think about breaking his head, but which woman had such an ability, not only succeeded in stealing his seeds, but also gave birth to such a small point.

The little bit obediently sat in the passenger seat, and his big smoky eyes looked at Yun Yi unblinkingly.

Suddenly, there were a few grunts in my stomach.

He sat in front of the room all night last night, and he had not had time to eat in the morning. Although in the hospital, the doctors and nurses gave her a lot of snacks and candies, he didn't like sweets very much.

Little biter raised her little hand and rubbed her belly, "Dad, hungry."

Yun Yi has always been a very receptive person, and since the fact that a son is already unchangeable has emerged, he no longer struggles with it.

The father is the father, anyway, this is his son.

Directly drove the little boy to a restaurant and ordered a large table full of food.

He didn't know what he likes to eat, so he has Chinese food, western food, food, drink, fruit, various desserts.

What makes Yun Yi extremely worry-free is that the small taste is very elegant, unlike some other children, who eat and get food everywhere.

It was just that the speed of eating was so fast that he lowered his head, and when he looked up again, he had already begun to gnaw the second small corn.

It seems to be really hungry.

Yun Yi pulled a kid's steak, cut it open, and pushed it in front of him.

Little Biter tried to swallow the food in his mouth, and then said to him, "Thank you."

Taking advantage of Xiaodian's food, Yun Yi thought for a while, and asked, "Silver, what is your mother's name? Where did you live before?"

The little bit lowered his head and concentrated on eating, as if he hadn't heard anything.

I picked an apple from the fruit and pushed it in front of him, "Daddy, here it is."

Yun Yi...

Is he changing the subject?

In the following time, Yun Yi tried several times to ask this little boy who his mother was.

As long as a name, he can definitely find it out.

However, Xiaoer is tight-lipped.

Every time he asked his mother a question, he would just bow his head to eat.

Or just stuff him with food and try to plug his mouth with the food.

Although Yun Yi is very crazy, but this particular mother is his son, he does not speak, he does not want to say, what can he do.

Can't beat him.

As a result, after a meal, not only did his belly bulge, but even Yun Yi felt that his belly was a little bulging.

Looking at the almost clean plate that had been eaten on the table, Yun Yi couldn't help but remember what Xiao Budian said in the morning.

Eat a little less every meal in the future, and make sure not to eat him poorly.

Isn't this little bit too much to eat at home, his mother can't afford it, so he kicked people out, right?

Seeing Yun Yi looking at him, the little guy's long eyelashes flickered twice.

He pursed his small mouth, and said, "Mom said you can't waste food."

It seems to be explaining why he would eat everything on the table.

But the big eyes secretly glanced at him from time to time, as if observing his reaction, fearing that he would dislike him.

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