Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2747: Who stole his seeds (8) plus more

Upon seeing this, Yun Yi blurted out subconsciously, "Eat whatever you want, your father, I have money, and I can't eat poorly."

The little guy was relieved, curled his lips, and smiled at him.

"Thank you dad."

Yun Yi waved his hand nonchalantly, "You are my son, you don't need to say thank you to me."

Thinking that the little guy mentioned his mother just now, he raised his eyebrows and asked again, "Your mother..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Daer turned his head and looked out the window.

Yun Yi is speechless...

Going out of the restaurant, he looked at his incredibly well-behaved son sitting in the co-pilot seat beside him.

Yun Yi suddenly felt that it seemed good to have a son.

Moreover, his son looks so well-behaved, compared to Xiao Yining's cheating bear boy, he is an angel.

Thinking of this, Yun Yi shrugged his shoulders and smirked a few times.

Immediately took out the phone to the WeChat group, and asked them to come out to meet at night.

In order to ensure that each of them received the news, I thought about it, and specifically called Xiao Moli, Ye Wuge, Yuntian, and Chen Jun one by one, emphasizing that he has very important things to announce and they must all To.

Moreover, I specifically emphasized it twice with Xiao Moli, asking him to remember to bring Ningning.

Hahaha, let them show their affection and abuse of dogs in front of him every day, and wait tonight to see how he scares them to death!

He wanted Xiao Moli to see the difference between his son and Ningning, and he was **** off.

Thinking of how each of them was frightened after seeing Little Biter, Yun Yi instantly became more satisfied with his son.

After looking up and down a few laps.

Call the company directly, tell the secretary that he is not going to the company today, and call him if he has something to do.

Then he drove directly to the mall with Xiaodian.

First, I went to the children's clothing store and gestured a few pieces of clothes. After finding that his son was wearing everything cute, he directly packed all the small and wearable numbers and sent them directly to the house.

Then I went to the place selling toys on the second floor.

Cars, small planes, remote control cars, remote control planes, game consoles, and all the toys he saw were bought all over.

With that arrogant appearance, the children around me who are pestering their parents to buy toys are envious.

They all looked eagerly, looking at the little bit enviously, and then pulled their parents to howl.

For a while, the toy area almost turned into a Shura field, and a group of little ones were rolling and crying again.

Yun Yi quickly made the payment and walked away with a little bit of a little bit, and left the Shura Field.

After cleaning up clothes and toys, Yun Yi continued to take the little guy to the children's furniture area to clean up.

Wherever he goes, like a locust crossing a border, as long as it is something that is not small enough to look at, there is only one word, buy!

I have shown to everyone what dad power is!

After a whole day of buying, buying, and eating, Xiao Budian has a new understanding of the financial resources of his cheap father.

One, his cheap father is a local tyrant!

Second, his cheap father can't eat poorly!

Soon in the evening, because of the little ones, Yun Yi rarely invited everyone to the bar, but went to the hotel to book a VIP room.

In order to ensure that everyone was present, Yun Yi deliberately called everyone again before entering the hotel.

Make sure that they have all arrived in the box, and after waiting for him, he walked into the hotel with a smirk on his face.

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