Over there, the Via on An Ziqi's body has been fixed, and Eric is by the side, seriously speaking to her.

"Don't worry, I will protect you in a while and won't hurt you."

An Ziqi pursed her lips and smiled, "Thank you, it's okay. I have filmed a costume drama before, and there is also a part of Diaoweiya. I will be careful, and you will be careful."

People who hang Avia for the first time generally have no way to coordinate their bodies well in the air, let alone film such fighting scenes.

Although the background of the story is the future society, special effects will be done in the later stage of the film, but there must be some actions.

An Ziqi herself has some foundations, so there is no such panic that some other actors hang Wia for the first time.

"Are you talking about "Feng Qi Tian Lan"?" Eric asked immediately when she heard her.

An Ziqi nodded and asked a little surprised, "Have you seen it too?"

"Feng Qi Tian Lan" was her only TV series, and at that time she was just a little transparent.

I didn't expect Eric to know.

"When I was in Country M, I studied all your works. You are great." Ai Rui smiled and said to her.

The deep blue sea-like eyes were filled with a soft smile.

An Ziqi feels a little strange inexplicably. With Eric's popularity in Hollywood, he should be very busy on weekdays and don't have time to watch these movies and TV.

What's more, he still didn't understand the Z dialect at all.

Before I had time to think about it carefully, why Eric would study her work, the director over there is already welcoming them to the past.

An Ziqi and Eric went there together.

After all the staff were ready, the scene took the board to play the board and started shooting.

Han Mengxue is the villain, standing in opposition to An Ziqi.

In order to prevent An Ziqi from doing anything to calculate her, she has been watching her vigilantly.

It caused the director there to be very dissatisfied and NG several times.

"Miss Han, your role is good, but it's only the first time you and Ann's character have met. There is no need to look at her with that cannibalistic look."

The director shouted angrily, "I don't care what kind of grudges you have, but since you are on the crew, please show me the professionalism that an actor should have. Don't confuse grievances in life with filming. If you do If not, then please leave the crew and I will find someone else to replace you."

After being scolded by the director in front of so many people, the expression on Han Mengxue's face is naturally unsightly.

She couldn't say anything to the director who lost her temper, so she had to attribute all the reasons to An Ziqi.

In short, she was scolded by the director because of An Ziqi.

His face was blue and white for a while, and then he gritted his teeth and explained to the director a little aggrieved.

"I know the director, it’s because of my inexperience in acting. I think my current role is opposed to hers, and should be more hostile to her, so I will look at her with such hostile eyes. I will definitely pay attention next time. of."

An Ziqi poked her mouth on the side, it was the time, and she didn't forget to pretend to be pitiful.

This face is much thicker than her.

It's not without reason why Han Mengxue can accumulate so many interpersonal relationships over the years. Probably all men eat this.

However, Han Mengxue's current performance can be regarded as helping her inadvertently.

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