It's not without reason why Han Mengxue can accumulate so many interpersonal relationships over the years. Probably all men eat this.

But over there, the director heard her explanation, and the look on his face really improved a lot.

He doesn't care about the grievances between Han Mengxue and An Ziqi. In order to compete for resources between Hollywood actresses, this happens occasionally, and he sees it a lot.

He only cares about his movies now.

From Han Mengxue's words, at least it can be judged that she has carefully studied the script, but she has some problems in understanding.

This is probably caused by the cultural differences between the East and the West.

His face eased, and he took the script from the side and deliberately gave her a careful analysis of the character's psychology.

Han Mengxue listened carefully to the director's explanation, and sincerely expressed that she had understood it.

The director nodded and motioned to the scene to play the board, and everyone started shooting again.

Even if An Ziqi doesn't like Han Mengxue, she has to say that Han Mengxue is really smart.

Not only does he have a high IQ in learning, but he also has a high level of savvy in acting.

After the director's explanation just now, the shooting went smoothly this time.

Except for the NG twice because of the prop problem, the third time passed smoothly and directly.

As a result, the director's impression of Han Mengxue has been reversed a lot.

In the second scene after that, fearing that she did not understand well, she took the initiative to explain and analyze the psychology of the characters and other aspects to her.

When the fourth scene was filmed, it finally came to the fighting part.

For the safety of everyone, the martial arts instructor deliberately stepped forward to explain and analyze the positions of a few people again.

In order to prevent An Ziqi from being injured, Eric deliberately pulled An Ziqi aside to demonstrate to her alone.

According to the script, they all have laser guns in their hands.

Although it was a fake gun during the performance, the props team was very careful, and it was not easy to hold the laser guns with the finished props.

An Ziqi's hand was unstable, and she didn't hold it properly. The prop gun in her hand fell down, and she hurriedly reached out to catch it, but she accidentally tripped under her feet and fell directly toward the front.

Eric has quick eyes and quick hands, and scoops her over in the opposite direction.

After An Ziqi stood up, she took a busy step back, "Thank you."

There are many people in the crew, and Xiao Moli has a headache when the jealous king gets jealous.

To be on the safe side, she still feels better to stay away from other men.

"Ann, you don't have to be polite to me." Eric's eyes still had that soft smile.

An Ziqi smiled embarrassedly.

Lin Man looked speechless from the sidelines. To say that An Ziqi is smart, she is really smart sometimes.

But the emotional aspect is really slow, even when he was with Li Shao.

It's unlucky for Eric to like her. No matter what he does, An Ziqi only has Xiao Moli in her heart, and she doesn't know what he wants.

Over there, after An Ziqi and Eric practiced for a while, the fighting part finally started to be filmed.

The shooting went smoothly, and then An Ziqi rose into the air, spinning around in mid-air, and then threw the extra guns on his body to the male lead to support him.

Eric quietly gave An Ziqi an encouraging look.

An Ziqi ran forward two steps in accordance with the previous exercise, and suddenly jumped from the ground.

The staff in charge of WIA also cooperated with her and lifted WIA.

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