Although the outline is very vague, but if you read it correctly, it should be An Ziqi, and the other injured man is Eric.

It was already big news for the crew to have such an accident. The injured were An Ziqi and Eric. This was even more explosive headlines.

No one wants to miss such a good opportunity. There are even people who are interviewing and writing manuscripts on the set, trying to get the news out before everyone.

On the other side, An Ziqi and Eric were rushed to the hospital and rushed to the emergency room.

Lin Man called Xiao Moli immediately after An Ziqi was sent to the hospital.

Today, this news is definitely not concealed, even if she does not say it, and the crew guards so much multimedia outside, she will definitely expose the news.

It is better for Xiao Moli to know the news from her than to see the news from the media.

After briefly explaining An Ziqi's injury on the set to Xiao Moli, he explained clearly.

Lin Man nervously squeezed the phone in his hand, waiting for Xiao Moli's instructions on the other side of the phone.

On the other side of the phone, Xiao Moli was silent for a long time.

Just when Lin Man was about to take the mobile phone to her eyes to see if Xiao Moli had hung up the phone, or when something went wrong with her mobile phone.

Xiao Moli finally spoke over there, "Where is she now? Is the injury serious?"

Even through the phone, Linman could feel the suppressed anger in Xiao Moli's voice.

"Ziqi is in the hospital now. She is fine, just some bruises. The doctor is treating her wounds. It will be cured in a few days without leaving a trace of scars."

Lin Man hurriedly promised.

"I'll be there soon." Xiao Moli hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Lin Man wiped the cold sweat from his head, and hurriedly took out from his pocket the death-free gold medal that An Ziqi had previously written for her. After confirming that he hadn't lost it, he was slightly relieved.

Faced with Shao Li's anger, no one except An Ziqi could bear it.

Fortunately, she was witty and asked An Ziqi to write the death-free gold medal in advance, otherwise she would definitely be cheated to death by An Ziqi.

Fortunately, after an examination in the emergency room, An Ziqi did only have some abrasions on her arms and legs, and no injuries in other places.

Because when she fell, Eric used his body directly under her to catch her, so Eric had a slight bone crack in a rib on his chest.

There are some bruises like An Ziqi in other places, which are not serious.

One of these two is an Oscar queen, Mrs. Huanyu, and the other is a famous Hollywood movie star.

Even if it was just a minor scratch, the hospital was like a big enemy, and he didn't dare to slack off.

After the doctors and nurses quickly dealt with the wounds on the two of them, to be on the safe side, they deliberately filmed them and did a detailed physical examination.

After confirming that there were no other problems, they were transferred to the VIP ward.

Lin Man's hanging heart finally loosened.

The director has already rushed to the hospital with him.

In any case, An Ziqi's identity is placed there.

Before Han Mengxue and An Ziqi were on the set, he could turn a blind eye to whether they were ignorant or cynic.

After all, the entertainment industry was originally like this, he had seen too many things in fights.

I believe An Ziqi has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, she knows this well, and she doesn't care.

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