But now, Han Mengxue is actually playing tricks on Avia, and he hurts both leading actors An Ziqi and Eric.

It’s hard to explain to Eric’s company alone.

Not to mention, there is Xiao Moli.

I waited anxiously outside the emergency department until the two were transferred to the ward.

After visiting the two of them in the ward and confirming that they had no major problems, I was relieved.

When such a thing happened suddenly, the crew must have already become a mess at this moment.

The police station took Han Mengxue away, and there were still a lot of follow-up matters to be dealt with.

After confirming that they were all okay at this moment, they told them to rest in the hospital with peace of mind. After greeted them, they hurried back to deal with the police station and the crew.

Lin Man has been answering the phone outside.

Sure enough, it didn't surprise her. From the time An Ziqi and Eric were sent to the hospital, it was only an hour.

The media has sent out the news that An Ziqi and Eric were injured in the crew.

There is a lot of discussion all over the Internet now.

Although the photos taken by the media were only taken outside the ambulance, the figure on the photos was very blurry.

But people familiar with An Ziqi are enough to recognize her.

Some people say that it may be that An Ziqi is not familiar with the fighting scenes, so she was accidentally injured.

Some people say that it must have been designed to be injured, otherwise it is impossible to call the police car to the crew if it is just injured.

This leads to a lot of conjectures.

The grudge between Han Mengxue and An Ziqi was immediately pulled out.

Fans of An Ziqi pointed out that the injury must have been designed by Han Mengxue behind the scenes.

From the first time Han Mengxue snatched An Ziqi's script, to later participation in variety shows, to Mo Lao's birthday party.

All the things were picked up in detail.

For a time, there were all voices accusing Han Mengxue on the Internet.

No one from the crew, film crew, An Ziqi, including Huanyu, has come out to make a public statement, so public opinion on the Internet has intensified.

Linman's phone call was almost exploded.

An Ziqi was told by the doctors that she must lie on the hospital bed and rest well and not move around.

Looking down at the bandages on his arms and knees, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with the injuries on her body, but just some small scrapes.

Before this plan, she had already prepared Xiao Chen's medicine, and after applying it, she wouldn't even leave a trace of scars for at most a week.

There is no need to make such a fuss.

Lin Man returned to the ward after finishing working outside.

"How is it?" An Ziqi asked, looking up at her.

Lin Man replied, "Everything is the same as you expected. I have already greeted Huanyu, and I will not make any statement before you say yes. The public opinion on the Internet is also continuing to ferment, just waiting for us. While making a statement, Han Mengxue must be over this time."

An Ziqi nodded, thinking of Han Mengxue's words of cursing Lin Man on the set before, hurriedly raised her head to Lin Man.

"Sister Man, I'm sorry, this time you have been wronged."

"What's the kind of politeness between you and me?" Lin Man said indifferently.

"In my heart, I always treat you as a sister, never want to use you, let alone treat you..."

"I can't help but know? You tell me you're worrying about the mess all day long."

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