Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2938: Come with me (1)

After walking forward for a while, An Ziqi looked at the whiteness in front of her eyes, but her eyes suddenly flashed.

The eyes instantly turned to pitch black.

An Ziqi closed her eyes hurriedly, then opened them again.

I could finally see a ray of light before my eyes.

She was shocked. She had suffered from snow blindness when she was in Iceland.

For people who have had snow blindness once, if they see snow again, they are very likely to induce a second snow blindness.

She just saw Xue's surprise just now, but she completely forgot about it.

No wonder I saw someone wearing sunglasses on the street just now, thinking about it to avoid snow blindness after seeing snow.

She must have been watching it for too long, which induced snow blindness.

Busy reached out his hand into his pocket and took out the phone, and took it to the front of his eyes to call Sister Man.

The bright light on the phone screen made her eyes hurt even more, and her physical tears kept pouring out.

Under the icy cold wind mixed with the beating of snowflakes, it instantly condensed into ice on his face.

An Ziqi kept raising her hand to wipe her eyes, trying to wipe the line of sight in front of her more clearly.

However, her vision was already blurred, and under the raging tears and cold wind, she could hardly see anything.

The fonts on the phone screen were too small, An Ziqi desperately opened her eyes to see clearly, but couldn't see anything.

On the contrary, the stinging of the eyes worsened.

Finally, relying on the location in the memory, he fumbled and pressed the number on the phone screen, but suddenly someone hurried past and hit her body directly.

An Ziqi staggered on the snow after being hit, and the phone fell from her hand in an instant.

In the wind and snow, the man quickened his pace and left quickly.

An Ziqi looked down in a hurry, and with the increasing wind and snow, the snow on the ground had already become thicker.

Almost the moment the phone fell, it was buried in the thick snow.

An Ziqi's eyes were vague, and she couldn't see anything at all.

I can only bend down and reach out and fumble on the surrounding snow.

However, it was only a lot of cold snow.

A pedestrian passing by ran into her again, seemingly annoyed that she tripped over her, angrily not knowing what she was swearing, and raised his hand to push her hard.

Pushing An Ziqi directly on the snowy ground next to him, and then he hurled away.

An Ziqi was pushed down into the snow, ignoring the pain from the fall, and hurriedly got up from the ground.

Squatting on the ground, squinting his eyes and reaching out to fumble around looking for her phone.

Suddenly, a cell phone ringing came from not far away.

That's her phone ringtone!

An Ziqi looked busy in the direction where the phone's ringtone came from.

Only a faint beam of light was seen coming out from under the thick snow.

An Ziqi was overjoyed and hurriedly got up from the ground and walked towards the place where the light from the phone was shining through.

She is unfamiliar with her life here, and it is impossible to stay outside in this situation, otherwise it won't be long before her eyes will be completely invisible like last time.

When that happens, she thinks it will be even more difficult to go back alone.

Following the light of the mobile phone, before walking to the front, the body was hit by someone again and fell directly to the ground.

At this moment, her eyes finally suddenly became completely dark.

An Ziqi panicked for a moment, and after she closed her eyes vigorously and opened her eyes, there was still pitch black in front of her.

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