Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2939: Come with me (2)

He took a slight breath and tried to calm himself down.

Kneeling on the ground with closed eyes, relying on memory, stretched out his hand and fumbled in the direction he had just seen.

There was the sound of footsteps, and then one foot directly stepped on the hand that she extended.

An Ziqi couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, but the owner of the footsteps did not stop at all.

After stepping on it, he walked away quickly.

An Ziqi's hand hurts so much, she touched it with her other hand, and she could feel the sticky liquid on her finger, probably because she was trampled and bleeding.

But she didn't care about anything, and hurriedly stretched out her hand and touched it in the direction of the phone.

The phone's ringing has been hung up, and she can't see it again, it's even more difficult to find the phone.

The whistling wind was blowing in my ears, and footsteps passed by from time to time.

Perhaps because you can't see it, your ears become more sensitive.

After An Ziqi avoided a few passing pedestrians.

Squeaking, the sound of footsteps finally stopped in front of An Ziqi.

"Is there any help?" A man's voice rang not far away.

Fortunately, the common language here is English, not a weird language.

An Ziqi hurriedly replied, "I dropped my phone not far away. Can you find it for me, thank you."

"Okay, I will help you stand up first."

The man said, stretched out his hand to support her arm, and pulled her up from the ground.

"Thank you."

An Ziqi thanked him, and stood there carefully, for fear that he would accidentally bump into someone.

The man seemed to search around, but found nothing.

Turning back to her, "Sorry, I didn't find it, are you sure your phone dropped here?"

An Ziqi nodded, thought hard, and raised her finger in the direction where she had just seen the phone.

"I heard the phone ringing just now, it should be in that direction."

"Not there."

The man replied, "The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier. The snow here will never stop for a while. Why don't I take you to a place where you can avoid the wind and snow, and wait until the snow stops." intend."

An Ziqi took a step back vigilantly, and said cautiously, "No, I am staying at the Carlton Hotel. Could you please call me a car, thank you. You can leave your phone number, and when I go back, I will definitely Thank you so much."

"It's far away from Galton, and the snow is already very heavy now. The blizzard is coming soon. All the taxis have gone back. There are no cars going there on the road.

Miss, I think you'd better find a place with me to avoid the coming blizzard, otherwise you will be frozen to death on the street if you are here alone. "

The man's voice seemed remote and unreal in the howling wind and snow.

The biting cold wind mixed with snowflakes continued to blow in along An Ziqi's collar, making her body cold.

It almost blows directly into her bones through the skin.

Although An Ziqi didn't wear thin clothes, under the biting cold wind at this moment, her whole body was still shaking uncontrollably from the cold.

Even the tongue in his mouth seemed to be numb with cold.

Although she was terribly cold at the moment, on the streets of a foreign country, wherever she dared to go with a stranger.

He shook his head hurriedly, "It's okay, I can wait here, just call the hotel for me."

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