Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2977: Baby go out, one is the best (14)

But there are too many unexplainable existences in this world, who can really understand all of them?

After thinking about it, he looked at Xiao Moli and said.

"Do you remember Han Mengxue?"

Xiao Moli raised his head, curled his eyebrows to look at him, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Chen buckled his fingers on the table next to him gently, watching him slowly speak, "Have you ever thought about it, maybe you really had a good impression of her before, if An Ziqi didn't show up, maybe You guys really..."

"This is impossible."

Xiao Moli interrupted him directly, staring at him and said, "Don't make any crooked ideas. I only love An Ziqi in my life, and I will only marry her alone. No matter if it is in the past, now, or in the future, she will be the only one. "

Xiao Chen gave him a blank look, "I'm not your wife, you don't have to show loyalty to me here. I mean, Han Mengxue has disappeared for so many years from your high school days to now. Normally speaking, it is impossible. Then there will be any intersection with you.

You can think about it for yourself, how many of those students in high school or in school have intersections with you later?

However, she suddenly appeared in your world many years later. From a certain perspective, this is a change in itself. The appearance of Han Mengxue is just the beginning. "

Xiao Moli's complexion was solemn, his thin lips pressed tightly.

When the senior abbot asked An Ziqi to travel back to save people, he was worried about what would happen.

If the facts are really like Xiao Chen speculated, the punishment for changing history has gradually begun to appear.

Now, An Ziqi has lost these memories of the past, and he can desperately retrieve her.

So what will happen to them afterwards?

When the time comes, will he be able to turn the tide in the face of the punishment of heaven?

He was not afraid that An Ziqi would forget him, nor that God would punish them, but he was afraid that God would no longer give them a chance to meet.

At that time, who can travel back to the past and change their fate and give them a chance?

There was a long silence, "Is there no way to recover?"

Xiao Chen raised her eyebrows, "If her memory can never be restored in the future, in her world, you are just a stranger. Every day in the future, she will resist you and resist your approach, relying only on Arthur. , What are you going to do?"

Xiao Moli clenched his fist tightly. As long as she thought of the beautiful memories they had experienced together, she would forget all those happy pasts, and his heart was pained like a knife.

Enduring the pain in his heart, the corners of his eyes flushed and said, "Then start from a stranger again, I will walk into her world again, let her accept me and fall in love with me again."

Xiao Chen grabbed an apple from the side table and ate a big bite. He gloated at him and said, "I said it earlier, the show is fast. I didn't expect to have it. You have today."

Xiao Moli stared at him fiercely, turned around, picked up a fruit knife from the table, and threw it towards Xiao Chen.


Xiao Chen was almost choked by the apple in his mouth, and hurriedly threw the apple in his hand at the flying dagger.

The dagger penetrated the apple directly and continued to fly towards this side.

Xiao Chen turned around hurriedly, and fell to the ground with a thump. Only then did the dagger slam into the cabinet behind.

"Damn, you are murdering your brother."

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