Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 2978: Baby go out, one is the best (15)

"Damn, you are murdering your brother."

Xiao Chenao yelled to get up, jumped and stretched out his fingers to blame Xiao Moli.

Xiao Moli ignored his accusations at all and looked at him coldly, "Can you recover?"

Although he had already prepared for An Ziqi to be unable to recover his memory.

Whether her memory is restored or not, it does not affect his feelings for her.

But after all, it was a good memory of the two of them, and I couldn't help holding a glimmer of hope in my heart.

Xiao Chen wanted to beat people angrily, but he had nothing to do with his younger brother.

Xiao Moli couldn't beat him, but his stomach was full of bad water. In case he was bad to him in the future, he would have nowhere to cry.

He patted the dust on his buttocks, and said, "We won't know until we return to Longyuan."

The cave can send An Ziqi back to the past, and perhaps also has the power to affect An Ziqi's memory.

Xiao Moli paused, "What about her eyes?"

"Her eyes are only irritated to the cornea and not physically harmed. When I was studying Gu surgery, I once found a rare herb that has a good effect on blindness caused by irritation. As long as you can find enough There is no problem in restoring her eyesight with more herbs," Xiao Chen replied.

Hearing a satisfactory answer, Xiao Moli turned and walked outside.

When Xiao Chen saw this, he was busy in front of the mountain and stretched out his hand to grab him.

Arthur is in the hospital right now, and if Xiao Moli is allowed to pass by now, something will definitely happen.

Arthur's weak chicken didn't have any knowledge at all, so he was Xiao Moli's opponent.

It was so exciting that Xiao Moli went crazy, he would definitely kill Arthur.

Xiao Moli turned to look at him, "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Chen blinked, then blinked again, and his mind quickly turned a hundred times in an instant.

In the end, I didn't think of a reason.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, Xiao Moli pushed his hand away impatiently, and turned around to continue walking outside.

Xiao Chen had to stretch out his hand to hold him again and said dryly, "Arthur is in the hospital."

When Xiao Moli heard this, he instantly became angry. He finally took An Ziqi away from Arthur, and Xiao Chen dared to send An Ziqi back to Arthur.

Roared, "You are crazy."

Turning to leave, Xiao Chen had to bite the bullet and forcibly hold him.

With Xiao Moli's current state, even if he didn't kill Arthur, he would be maimed.

Xiao Moli couldn't help feeling even more angry when Xiao Chen was so obstructed.

He clenched his fist and slammed it towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen had no choice but to raise his hand and resist, while speaking loudly, "I am not crazy, you are crazy. With An Ziqi's current state, she doesn't believe you at all. If you keep going like this, she will die. This Is it the result you want to see?"

"Even if she dies, I will stay with her." Xiao Moli roared with red eyes.

Xiao Chen raised his hand angrily and punched his face with all his strength.

"Before you say this, you should think clearly. You are not only An Ziqi’s husband, but also the daddy of Ning Ning and younger brother. That’s right, even without you, Ning Ning and Xiao Ai can still live very well. Okay, but have you ever wondered what kind of psychological trauma you will cause them if you do this?

How did you feel when Daddy almost died before your eyes? "

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