Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3307: The truth of the matter (5)

Walking to Yun Yi, he lifted his foot and kicked him in the leg.

"Hey, your wife is going to be engaged to someone else. If you don't rob someone, what kind of wine is hiding here?"

"She is not my wife, I have nothing to do with her." Yun Yi said coldly.

Isn't this what she always wanted?

He fulfilled her.

Xiao Chen tweeted, "You really have no conscience, you have such a smart and cute son who was brought up by himself.

I almost died in order to save you. Why are you so scumbag? I'm going to be worthless for her. "

"She said it herself..."

Halfway through Yun Yi's words, he reacted and suddenly raised his head to look at Xiao Chen, "What do you mean? Why did you nearly die to save me? Tell me clearly, what's going on?"

"Cough cough, no hurry, I ran back specially for some scumbags to give up being intimate with my wife. I'm really thirsty. You pour a glass of wine first, and I will moisturize my throat before thinking about it."

Xiao Chen turned around and sat down on the sofa, looking at him with a very unpleasant voice.

Yun Yi staggered up from the ground, stretched out his hand to grab his collar, and gritted his teeth and said, "Can you tell me exactly what's going on?"

Xiao Chen slapped his hand away hurriedly, "You messed up my clothes. My wife picked this for me in the morning."

Seeing Yun Yi's anxious eyes flushed, he gave him a white look and pushed him away with disgust.

"Do you remember that time you went to the C city project with her for an inspection? You two encountered heavy rain on the mountain, which caused a mudslide.

Later, you were seriously injured and passed out into a coma. When I get news to find you.

She is a weak woman who was seriously injured but was carrying you on her back. She has been walking down the mountain in heavy rain all night.

There was also a fork in the middle, which caused her to walk to another mountain next to her.

At that time, you had only one breath left. I lied to her that you were dead. The look in her eyes, I still feel uncomfortable when I think of it. "

Xiao Chen pouted his lips, glanced at him disgustingly, and continued, "Later on the plane, I said that I would deal with her injuries first, but she insisted on asking me to save you first.

Later, after returning to the S City Hospital, she stayed in the operating room alone with her injuries. She waited until you were out of danger and returned to the ward, and then left alone.

I asked someone to check the surveillance, and when she reached the door, she ran into Huo Si Ting, and then she passed out and was taken away.

Because she had never let me check her injuries before, I suspected that there was something wrong with her injuries, so I sent people to C city to do an investigation.

Guess what the result is? "

"Say." Yun Yi roared, his body trembling slightly.

"The heavy rain washed down dozens of fragmented wolf corpses from the top of the mountain where you are.

According to the photos they sent, such a miserable way of death was definitely not caused by heavy rain, let alone mudslides.

At that time, it was only you two who were trapped on that mountain.

The wolves came out looking for food and ran into the two of you, and you were still in a coma. How did you say those wolves died? How did you say the injury on her body came from? "

Xiao Chen asked back, tapping his finger on the cup a few times, then looked up at him and continued.

"I know she is Little Mango's mother, and I know she has superpowers.

Later, I collected some bloodstains from the plane that she had dropped when she was injured. After inspection, I found that the super powers in her body had faint signs of dissipating. "

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