"I don't know what she did before, but what is certain is that her superpowers have been excessively consumed and something must have gone wrong.

You have been back from City C for so long, haven't you noticed it? "

Yun Yi couldn't help staggering a few steps.

A dozen wolves!

Before he went into a coma, her superpowers had been exhausted.

Wolves have always been intelligent creatures, and their attacks will cooperate with each other.

He couldn't imagine how her small body protected him from being hurt when faced with the attack of the wolf pack, and how hard it was to kill the wolf pack with more than a dozen wolves.

He remembered seeing her and Huo Siting's scandal in the media and running to Huo Siting's house, her face was extremely ugly.

When he saw her messy clothes, he only thought she was making love to Huo Siting.

He is angry, he is angry.

No wonder her face was so ugly, no wonder Huo Si Ting looked like he was going to fight him hard when he pinched her shoulder.

The things that happened in those days flashed in front of him, and he couldn't imagine how much harm he did to her.

Thinking of that night, when he forced her at the Ming family, he saw the ugly scar on her shoulder.

At that time, he only cared about anger and anger, and didn't think too much about it.

The hand on his side was shaking uncontrollably.

"I don't know why she wanted to return to the Ming family, or why she should follow Ming Shengru's arrangement to marry Mo Shaonan.

But I think that a woman who is willing to give up her life for you, and a woman who will never give up at such a critical moment of life and death will definitely not abandon you for status and money.

If she doesn't love you, she can leave you behind in such a dangerous situation on the mountain at the time.

There is absolutely no problem with her ability to escape alone.

If she doesn't love you, she won't be alone in the operating room with such a serious injury for so long, and will leave alone when she sees you are fine.

In your life, you don't know what kind of **** luck you have gone, and you can meet such a woman who loves you.

It's a pity that the inhuman she loves, met a scumbag like you, and watched her marry another man without caring.

Hey, I'm really worthless for her! "

After speaking, he raised his hand and looked at the time, "Hey, the engagement banquet is about to begin in one hour at this time. After all, it is Little Mango's mother, Mo Li, you have to get someone to prepare a big gift."

Xiao Moli took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call with great cooperation.

Yun Yi strode forward, snatched the phone from his hand, and slammed it to the side.

Then he turned around and ran towards the door dizzy.

When he ran to the door, he bumped against the pillar at the door.

The few people in the box couldn't bear to look straight.


After Yun Yi rushed out of the club, he stopped a car directly on the road.

He still remembers that he can't drive in his current state.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes to Hilton."

The driver beeped the dog.

He is just a passerby, not a taxi!

"Mr., did you take the wrong car? See clearly, I am not..."

It's a pity that President Yun, who has not fully sobered up yet, would not tell him the truth.

Before he finished speaking, he interrupted him directly, "Fifteen minutes, I will chop your finger in one more minute."

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