Before stepping out of the hotel's door, the phone in Yun Yi's pocket suddenly rang.

Reached out for the phone, and then took the suitcase in Rong Yan's hand.

I kissed her on the forehead and connected to the phone, "What's the matter?"

The face greeted him silently and went to the front desk to check out.

After Yun Yi heard the news over the phone, his brows wrinkled tightly in an instant.

"When did this happen?"

"Last night, I didn't dare to tell you when I was afraid of interrupting your rest." The person over the phone replied carefully.

Yun Yi twisted his eyebrows, "I see, give me a thorough investigation of all relevant personnel, and arrange for someone to find it."

Hung up the phone, and then called Xiao Moli to talk about the situation.

Rong Yan went through the check-out procedure at the front desk, and when she returned to him, she saw him frown and raised his hand to smooth his frown.

Gentlely asked, "What's wrong? What happened? Did the Ming family provoke something behind?"

Yun Yi shook his head and raised his hand to embrace the person in his arms, "The Pearl is gone."

Because Mingzhu had grabbed his face before, he directly detained Mingzhu in S City and did not put it back.

Taking into account various reasons, she did not detain her in Yunxiao, but asked someone to find a place to detain her outside.

Some time ago, I had been busy with Shen Rong’s affairs and didn’t have the time to deal with it. After coming out of Long Yuan, he took his face and flew directly here, and there was no time to take care of these things. How could I think that the people who took care of Mingzhu would go wrong? People escaped unexpectedly.

Rong Yan couldn't help but frowned slightly when she heard this, "Pearl doesn't have super powers, and she hasn't learned any kung fu. For so many years, she has been Miss Jiao. After being detained for so long before, her body weakness is inevitable.

Although there are not many guards, it is absolutely impossible for her to escape from the guards.

Not only to escape, but also to leave quietly without disturbing everyone. There must be someone inside and outside. "

Yun Yi nodded and walked outside with her, "Well, I have called Mo Li and asked him to investigate thoroughly."

Rong Yan suddenly thought of something, and he turned around and grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Where is Little Mango now? Ming Shengru failed to marry the Mohist family this time. Will he give his idea to Little Mango?"

"Don't worry, Little Mango is with Xiao Yining now.

If Ming Shengru dares to fight their ideas, I can only say that he is unlucky.

Xiao Yining's stinky boy has grown up since he was a child, and he has always been the only one who counts others, and even his daddy has nothing to do with him.

Whoever calculates him must be prepared to be pitted. "

Yun Yi was extremely relieved of Xiao Yining, even Xiao Moli couldn't get any benefit in front of him, let alone the idiot Shengru and Mingzhu.

Yan Yan is still a little worried. "Ming Shengru and the superpower research organization have been in contact for so many years. Last time we directly destroyed their research base and took my mother away. They will definitely not give up.

I worry that once they intervene, things will become more complicated. "

This is what she has always worried about the most.

Yun Yi pursed his lips, "Xiao Chen and Mo Li have already considered these situations. Before Long Yuan lacked superpowers, Xiao Chen did not have the opportunity to study too much.

Now that he has little mango and those little guys, he should have had a lot of gains recently. "

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