"Don't worry, it is impossible for Mo Li and Xiao Chen to let them have an accident."

"En." Yan Yan nodded and responded.

He hesitated and said, "Or, shall we go back now?"

"not going back."

Yun Yi directly refused, and lowered his head to kiss her lips, "Hey, believe in Xiao Chen, believe in Mo Li, and we will go back when we succeed in creating human beings."

His face was speechless, his cheeks couldn't help but flushed, and he raised his hand angrily to hit him, "Where can I be sure of this kind of thing? What if it doesn't happen?"

"If you want to go back soon, then be more active at night." Yun Yi leaned into her ear and said with a smirk.

Rong Yan glared at him with gritted teeth, and was too lazy to pay attention to the messy bastard, and turned around and walked outside the door.

Yun Yi hurriedly followed behind her lips, reaching out and pulling the person back into her arms again.

"Relax, your husband is so brave, it won't be long before he will succeed."

Rong Yan wanted to kick this **** back to the country, "Yun Yi, would you like to have a face?"

"Not good." Yun Yi said with a smile.



After they came out of the hotel, the two laughed and got into a taxi, heading all the way to the airport, ready to fly to the next destination.

This was their honeymoon trip, and Yun Yi didn't bring anyone with him. All the air tickets and itineraries were all set by himself when he was in the hotel.

After arriving at the airport, there was already a dedicated person waiting for them at the gate in advance.

When entering the door, the phone in Yun Yi's pocket rang, saying that there was a problem with the ticket information he had booked before, and he needed to check it.

Yun Yi personally sent the person to the VIP waiting room, raised his hand and touched his face, "Wait for me inside, and I'll be back soon."


Yan Yan raised his hand to tidy up the corners of his clothes.

Yun Yi smiled and leaned forward and kissed her lips, "I can't bear it after we've been apart for a while?"

The face hurriedly pushed him away, "Shameless, you go quickly."

After speaking, he turned around and entered the VIP lounge with the service staff.

Yun Yi stood there, watching the door close, then smiled and turned to the front desk.

After arriving at the front desk, after showing his and Rong Yan's identity information, the front desk lady rechecked in for the two of them.

After getting the boarding pass, Yun Yi bought some small desserts not far away, and then returned to the VIP lounge with a smile.

Raising his hand and pushing the door open, there were only two suitcases in the waiting room, and no face was seen.

Yun Yi twisted his eyebrows, put down the things in his hand, and directly took out his mobile phone and gave Rong Yan a call.

On the other side of the phone, there is always a prompt that no one answers.

The look on Yun Yi's face instantly changed, and he hung up the phone busy and dialed again, but there was still no one on the other side to answer.

He immediately hung up the phone, and while calling Xiao Moli back, he turned around and glanced around quickly.

There is nothing unusual about the lively people coming and going in the airport.

On the phone, Xiao Moli almost wanted to kill.

After finally sending Xiao Ai to Mommy, he finally has time to live with An Ziqi.

As a result, he was interrupted again in the middle, and it was a man who was unhappy.

There is a time difference between domestic and foreign countries. The **** Yun Yi doesn't know. Is it good to bother him?

If it hadn't been for An Ziqi to stop him, he would have thrown the phone away.


After hearing Yun Yi's words over there, his expression finally became serious.

After hanging up the phone, An Ziqi asked with some worry, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

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