Xiao Yining quickly talked about the action plan that had been discussed in the hotel before, and several little guys quickly slid towards Ming's house.

When they arrived near Ming's house, Xiao Yining came to the full position they had detected in advance, and took out a laptop from the backpack behind him.

Then he took out a few earphones and handed them to them separately.

"According to the previous plan, I will cut off all the alarm systems and monitoring systems in the Ming family house in a moment. You are responsible for distracting the two superpowers, Xiaoqing and Xiaozi, respectively, distracting the guards inside and outside the house.

Little Mango, you have fifteen minutes to ask the old **** Ming Shengru about your mother's whereabouts.

Report to me immediately if there is any situation. "

"Received." The little guys nodded, took the headphones and put them on.

Xiao Yining turned on the laptop, switched out a screen, and stretched out a little finger to jump quickly on it.

Then they waved their hands at the little mango, and the little guys swished twice and disappeared in an instant.

Little Mango and the others, after arriving at the location of Ming's house, they acted according to the location that Xiao Yining had planned in advance.

Xiao Yining is responsible for commanding the overall situation.

After Xiao Huang Xiaolu and the others had entered, Xiao Mango arrived at the place he had planned. After a while, Xiao Yining's voice made him move through the earphones.

Little Mango pursed his lips, swished, and disappeared in place instantly.

In the study, Ming Shengru sat at the desk with a serious face and clasped his hands.

Although he knew that there were super masters in the house and hundreds of guards, his whole body couldn't help being tight.

There were footsteps and noise from time to time outside the study. Did Xiao Moli and the others break in?

The courage is really getting bigger and bigger. I knew to do it at night before, but now I don't care about it in broad daylight.

Or does it mean that the entire capital is already under their control?

This thought made him a little frightened.

Just as he was thinking, a cold muzzle reached behind his head.

Ming Shengru's body instantly stiffened in place.

Try to calm down forcibly, "You...who are you?"

A small figure appeared on the table in front of him as if out of thin air.

It was a pretty little guy who looked like a white porcelain doll.

Little soft hand held a pistol that did not fit his identity, and it was still on his forehead at the moment.

There was no plan to let it go, her pretty little face was serious.

Although Mingzhu knew that Rongyan had a son, she did not have time to tell Ming Shengru.

Seeing the little guy in front of him, although he was holding a gun in his hand, Ming Shengru felt relieved.

He knew that Xiao Moli had a son named Xiao Yining. Judging from his age, this little guy was obviously not.

I only thought it was Xiao Moli's specially trained child who had been specially trained, hit the tunnel, or led away the guards outside, and climbed in through the window while people were not paying attention.

He didn't care too much, just looked at the little guy in front of him, slowed down his voice, and said while always paying attention to him looking for opportunities.

"Kid, what do you want, I can double it for you, first put down the gun in my hand, it's very dangerous."

Little Mango sneered, using his hands hard, and unceremoniously hitting his forehead with a gun.

Ming Shengru didn't find any opportunity at all, and the gun had reached his forehead again.

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