Ming Shengru didn't find any opportunity at all, and the gun had reached his forehead again.

"Ming Shengru, put away your childlike face, and if you don't want to die so quickly, immediately explain where you locked my mother?"

"your mom?"

Ming Shengru was stunned, and then finally reacted, "Are you Mingjing's son?"

But how is this possible?

When did Mingjing have a son?

Or is this Yun Yi's illegitimate son? Is it just because he is with Mingjing that he is called Mingjing's mother?

His mind was turning quickly, and his eyes were swept back and forth on Little Mango from time to time. Looking at his eyebrows, it seemed to be somewhat similar to Mingjing.

That means……

Little Mango frowned, and the muzzle in his hand moved slightly downward. After a muffled sound, a blood flower bloomed on Ming Shengru's shoulder.

Before Ming Shengru opened his mouth and screamed, the gun in Little Mango's hand had reached his forehead again.

"Shut up, Ming Shengru, I'm very worried about my mother, and I'm looking for her urgently, so you should stop playing tricks for me here to delay time.

I don't mind letting you experience how anxious I am now. "

Ming Shengru gritted his teeth and forcibly endured the pain of the bullet hitting his body. How did he think that this little guy would make such a quick shot.

"Little guy, by all accounts, I am also your grandfather, I won't..."

Little Mango shot his arm again without hesitation.

"I said, stop talking nonsense with me."

Ming Shengru finally couldn't help screaming, painfully covering the wound on his body.

"I'll give you ten seconds, start." Little Mango said coldly.

Ming Shengru has been in a high position for so many years. Wherever he has suffered such injuries, he almost faints in pain.

"one two Three……"

Little Mango hadn't finished counting yet, and a huge force swept straight towards him.

Before he could turn his head, Little Mango was responsive and quickly dodged to the side.

At the same time, the small body instantly moved to another position.

However, without waiting for him to have a chance to turn back, the other two forces attacked him from other directions at the same time.

Little Mango's heart shuddered. According to what he had detected before, there were clearly only two superpowers in the Ming family's house, and it was absolutely impossible to go wrong.

Now Xiao Huang, Xiaolu and the others are outside, and Ningning didn't give any hints in the headset.

This shows that everything about their situation outside is under control.

When did a superpower suddenly appear in the house?

There is only one possibility for him to break in without noticing it.

The ability of this new helper far exceeds that of him.

However, I don't know why, Little Mango feels that the ability to attack him at this moment seems to be vaguely familiar.

The body teleported, avoiding the force that struck him again in the past.

After dodging several times in a row, Little Mango finally had a chance to turn around, and turned to look in the direction of the opposite door.

Instead, he wanted to see where the master came from, and came here silently, avoiding his detection.

As an attack struck him again, Little Mango finally had a chance to see the person who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The pupils of the big eyes shrank instantly, and the whole body stayed in place, forgetting to dodge.

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