Before Huang Ying came forward, Xiao Nian Bao immediately hid behind Gu Rui again.

Huang Ying stretched out his hand to grab him, and the little milk bag hid quickly.

Coupled with Gu Rui's secretive help, the two ran around Gu Rui like a cat and a mouse for several laps, but none of them were caught.

Huang Ying gritted his teeth, "Long Xiaobei, come here for me."

Xiao Nianbao's big eyes rolled around, and a small head stretched out from behind Gu Rui, looking at her sincerely.

"Mummy, I was instigated. It's my brother. Really, it was my brother who said that Mommy and Dad Gu are coming back and want to surprise you.

That's why I tied me to the curtains and let me show you flowers to welcome you. "

After finishing speaking, he blinked his eyes and looked extremely innocent.

Huang Ying was almost about to laugh at him, "Very well, give your brother the one thousand and one to throw the pot.

Come here, I promise not to beat you today. "

Xiao Nian Bao heard that she didn't need to be beaten, and her eyes lit up instantly.

"Mummy really doesn't beat me?"

Huang Ying smiled and stepped forward, "Yes, if I don't beat you, I want to beat you twice."

After talking about eye problems, he quickly reached out and grabbed him.

The sound of "Ohhhhhhh" burst through the roof instantly.

In the study room upstairs, in front of the desk, the other little milk bag shook his head helplessly.

Obviously the two were born at the same time, how could he have such a stupid brother.

In front of the desk, a cool breeze blew in through a slit window.

Long Xiaobao sucked into his throat, "cough cough." He coughed violently for a while.

He held the table with his little hands, his face flushed with cough.

Thirty seconds later, a rush of footsteps approached quickly.

The door was opened from the outside, and Huang Ying ran in quickly with an anxious look.

Seeing the open window, he hurriedly reached out to close the window tightly.

Then he hugged Xiao Bao from the chair in distress, and raised his hand to pat him on the back.

"Ahem, Mommy, I'm fine."

Xiao Bao coughed and comforted her.

Gu Rui took Long Xiaobei and ran up from downstairs.

Carefully asked, "How is Xiaobao? Are you okay?"

Huang Ying frowned and raised her hand to touch his forehead. Fortunately, she didn't have a fever.

He touched his little hands again, but they were cold.

"It's okay, I probably caught a cold after eating."

Busy holding the little guy got up and went to the bedroom, found a thick coat and cotton-padded trousers from the cabinet, and put them on him layer by layer.

Long Xiaobao looked at his chubby body covered in quilt a little speechlessly, and then at Huang Ying, who still had no tendency to stop.

He said helplessly, "Mommy, I'm really fine, although today is cloudy and there is no big sun.

However, it is summer here. "

Long Xiaobao specifically and earnestly emphasized the word summer behind.

How can he spend summer here, obviously it is even more winter than winter.

"The clothes I wear for you are your summer clothes." Huang Ying continued to put on him without hesitation.

Long Xiaobao was completely speechless.

Long Xiaobei wasn't afraid of being beaten right now, da da da ran forward.

He blinked at Long Xiaobao, then stretched out a pair of fleshy little hands, and put Long Xiaobao's thin little hands in his palms.

He pouted his mouth and gave him two warm breaths, then rubbed his hands with both hands, trying to get a touch of temperature on his cold and thin hands.

However, no matter how warm he is, his brother's hands are always cold.

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