Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 3575: Someone bullied her

Simply put Long Xiaobao's little hand directly on his warm little fleshy face, then raised his little face and grinned at his brother's mouth, revealing a mouthful of shiny little white teeth.

"Brother, are your hands warm?"

"It will ice you." Long Xiaobao tried to pull his little hand out of his hand slightly.

Long Xiaobei held it firmly, and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid. Just now Mommy was chasing me downstairs and beating me. It was so hot that my brother just cooled me down."

Next to him, Huang Ying put the clothes in his hand on Long Xiaobao, and raised his hand to twist Long Xiaobei's little ear.

"You shouldn't behave in front of your brother. Why were you so stubborn when you gave the pot to your brother just now?

Didn't you bully your brother? "

Long Xiaobei grinned, "Mommy, I'm just a stopgap measure, I don't really want to give the pot to my brother."

Seeing that Huang Ying didn't mean to let go, he quickly looked at Long Xiaobao and blinked at him vigorously.

"Brother, we are twins, you know me best, oh?"

At this moment, Long Xiaobao was already wrapped in a round ball by Huang Ying. Seeing his stupid brother winks, he turned a little awkwardly and said to Huang Ying.

"Mummy, Beckham just didn't see you for a few days. He was so happy that he wanted to surprise you.

Don't be angry, I will look at him in the future. "

Huang Ying finally let go of Long Xiaobei's hand, bending his fingers and flicking towards his forehead.

"Or your brother is the most sensible. He is obviously a brother born to one child, so why is the difference so big?"

Long Xiaobei spit out her little tongue, "So he is an older brother."

Huang Ying's lips twitched, and she raised her hand to beat him again.

Long Xiaobei had quick eyes and quick hands, swish, and hid behind Long Xiaobao.

Before Huang Ying came forward to catch people, Long Xiaobao looked up at her and said, "Mummy, I'm hungry and want to eat your egg noodles."

Hearing that he was hungry, Huang Ying got up hurriedly, raised his hand to tighten the clothes on his body again, and then said gently.

"Little Treasure, wait a moment, Mommy will do it for you right away."

"En." Long Xiaobao nodded.

Huang Ying turned her head and squeezed Long Xiaobei's face again, "You are not allowed to trouble your brother, and you are not allowed to bully him. Did you hear that."

"I know, Mommy." Long Xiaobei replied in a long voice with a smile.

Huang Ying turned around and went downstairs quickly.

Long Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, gave Gu Rui a curious look, and then stretched out a little finger towards him.

Gu Rui didn't know why he was slightly bent over, "What's the matter?"

Long Xiaobei poked his finger towards the blue and purple corner of Gu Rui's lips, "Daddy Gu, are you also naughty and went out to find someone to fight?"

Gu Rui's lips twitched, and he nodded his forehead with a helpless smile, "Yes, so Xiaobei must be obedient in the future and don't fight with people."

"I'm not afraid. I will protect Mommy and brother from now on, and I will definitely knock people down."

Long Xiaobei patted her chest proudly.

Gu Rui was a little bit dumbfounded, "Be careful when your mom hears that she wants to beat you up again."

This little guy will never learn well.

On the side, Long Xiaobao covered his mouth and coughed twice, then raised his eyes and swept around him.

Slowly he asked, "Daddy Gu, has anyone bullied her when Mommy went out this time?"

When he heard someone bullying his mom, Long Xiaobei immediately turned to look at him.

After changing his naughty look just now, his eyes changed.

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