"Should we intervene in this matter?"

Lang Feng looked at him and asked.

The domestic control of drug P has always been absolutely prohibited. Although it is said that it is a transit, no one can clearly say what will happen.

If this batch of poison P is left in the country by those people in a trick, it will be troublesome.

K City should not have received any news yet, and compared to them, it is clearly far behind in this regard.

Chen Jun pursed his lower lip, "K city is not under my jurisdiction. You can tell the news to K city and let their people prepare in advance and make an action plan."

He has been busy with enough things recently, and he has no time or mood to care about things that are not within his scope.

If he is required to do everything, he might as well go straight to run for president.

Lang Feng nodded, "Okay, I see."

Chen Jun reached out and took the document from the side without saying a word.

Lang Feng turned around and was about to go out. When he saw the materials in his hand, he hurriedly turned back and handed the materials to the table in front of him. "Tomorrow night the annual political and business joint banquet will be held at Westin. List of major companies in the meeting.

Secretary Cheng asked me to ask the boss if you want to participate, so she can make arrangements in advance. "

The boss's face was really terrifying during this period, and all the staff at the city hall were trembling.

Even Secretary Cheng didn't dare to come to him, but gave him the information directly for him to ask.

I am afraid that one will accidentally provoke the anger of the boss.

"Don't go."

Chen Jun directly refused.

To put it plainly, this kind of banquet is just to give major companies an opportunity and way to build relationships.

If he does go, I don't know how many people will go up.

"Yes, I know the boss."

Lang Feng nodded, turned and walked outside the office.

Chen Jun was about to throw the information in his hand aside, and the corner of his eye was inadvertently swiping the name of a company on the information.

"and many more."

Lang Feng turned around, "Does the boss have anything else?"

Chen Jun lowered his eyes and said, "Let Secretary Cheng send me the time and arrange it in advance."

Lang Feng couldn't help but froze, didn't the boss just refuse it?

How could you suddenly change your mind?

Seeing the information at hand, something suddenly occurred to him.

It must be Huang Ying again, and only she can make the boss like this.

He lowered his eyebrows, "I see."

Chen Jun pursed his lips and glanced at the information at hand, then set it aside to start processing.

On the other hand, Huang Ying rushed to the company to work the next morning after resting at home for a day.

She had previously said that she was suddenly uncomfortable, so she left early. Mr. Liang asked about her physical condition with special concern.

After knowing that she was okay, she said embarrassedly, "Huang Ying, you also know that Secretary Song is not feeling well these days.

There is a political and business banquet tonight. Our company rarely receives an invitation letter. Can you accompany me to the banquet tonight? "

As if afraid that she would refuse, she added another hurriedly, "Don't worry, I won't let you drink again tonight."

Given the size of their company, it is absolutely impossible to be eligible to receive an invitation letter under normal circumstances.

When Huang Ying went to the company for an interview before, the city hall called and asked him to admit him directly and take care of his work.

Although nothing was said clearly, the meaning behind it was self-evident.

There must be someone from the city hall behind Huang Ying.

Therefore, this year the company must be able to receive the invitation letter because of Huang Ying's relationship.

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