It's just that he had tried consciously or unconsciously before, and Huang Ying seemed completely unaware of this.

No matter who the person behind Huang Ying is, why not let her know.

On such occasions, the people from the city hall must go, and it is always right for him to take Huang Ying to participate.

In case there is a project for a suitable company, even if it is for Huang Ying's face, the people at the city hall will definitely help him.

Although Huang Ying wanted to go home to accompany Xiaobao and Xiaobei, she had already released Mr. Liang’s pigeons last night. Not only did Mr. Liang not blame him, he also approved her for a day off. It’s really hard for her to refuse.

I nodded, "Okay, do I need to change my dress?"

Mr. Liang said in a hurry, "I will let Secretary Song prepare the dress in advance."

"I got it." Huang Ying reluctantly replied.

Although I was resting at home for a day yesterday, there was still some faint pain all over my body.

Thinking of what happened last night, Huang Ying's heart twitched fiercely, and a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes.

I called the family in advance, although Xiaobao and Xiaobei were dissatisfied with her going home late at night, but they couldn't help it.

I can only obediently promise her that she will stay home and let her go back soon.

When I was about to get off work in the afternoon, Mr. Liang asked Secretary Song to take her to the makeup and styling place.

This is the first time she has worn a dress when she grows up. The tender yellow dress makes her extra delicate.

Next to him, Secretary Song, makeup artist and stylist were all complimenting her for her beauty.

There are also many girls' envied voices.

Huang Ying looked at the bright woman in the mirror and couldn't help but raised her hand and touched her cheek, as if she was looking at a stranger.

These years have been so bitter, she has almost forgotten that she was once the envy of everyone in the school.

At that time, her parents were fine, and she still had a complete and happy family.

However, the world is unpredictable, and she would never have thought that her biological father would treat them like this.

If there were no things in the past, if she didn't find Chen Jun, then she should be as carefree as these girls now.

He lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

Despite the hardships in the past few years, she never regretted meeting him!

Do not regret having Xiaobao and Xiaobei.

After putting on makeup and styling, Secretary Song called Mr. Liang and said Mr. Liang was already waiting at the door.

Sending her to the door, Huang Ying got into the car after the two said goodbye.

All the way to Westin.

Liang always attends this level of banquet for the first time, and he can't help but feel a little nervous.

When they arrived at the banquet hall, it was still early, except for the hotel staff, no one else arrived.

The two waited there for about half an hour, and finally all the talents arrived one after another.

The banquet hall also became lively.

It is rare for Mr. Liang to meet so many big people, and he has a relationship with Huang Ying in private. For the future development of the company, he naturally has to take the opportunity to get to know more people.

However, Huang Ying has not forgotten either.

Just tell her to take a rest and eat.

He didn't dare to let things happen again.

These celebrities in the upper class Huang Ying didn't know each other, so she could only find a corner to eat and wait for someone boring.

The banquet was full of Yingying and Yanyan. I am afraid this is not just a political and business exchange banquet, but also a blind date banquet for these celebrities.

Huang Ying was spitting boringly in her heart, and suddenly there was a violent commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

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