Huang Ying was spitting boringly from the bottom of her heart, and suddenly there was a violent commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

While picking up the small fork, forked a small piece of apple and put it in the mouth, while looking up in the direction of the commotion at the door.

After a lively noise, the surrounding crowd gave way.

A straight and slender figure walked out of the crowd, his handsome face as blank as ever.

"Mayor Chen."

"Mayor Chen, you are here."


The sound of greetings from the surroundings came into my ears endlessly.

Huang Ying just ate the apple in the mouth and instantly got stuck in the middle of his throat.

Everything about last night is still vivid, her body still seems to have his temperature and breath, and her hands can't help but tremble slightly.


He couldn't help but coughed twice, turned around hurriedly, put down the small fork in his hand, and ran into an inconspicuous corner of the banquet hall in a panic.

In front of Chen Jun, she fled like a deserter.

And Chen Jun, who was not far from the door, saw her as soon as he entered the banquet hall.

Wrapped in a light yellow gauze dress, her mature body looked more and more exquisite.

The long hair simply tied a small ball on the top of the head, and two strands of broken hair hung from the ears. Unlike the charming and enchanting of other women in the banquet hall, the whole person looked charming and charming, but it was more eye-catching.

Chen Jun's deep eyes suddenly sank.

People around constantly stepped forward to say hello, Chen Jun answered casually, and stretched out his hand to take a glass of wine from the passing waiter and drank his head up.

But the eyes follow her uncontrollably from time to time.

Lang Feng hurriedly walked in from the outside, with a bad look on his face.

Stepping forward, he whispered directly in his ear, "Boss, something has happened."

Chen Jun pursed his lips so that Lang Feng could tell that something went wrong. It must not be a trivial matter.

Turn around and walk towards the VIP room on the other side.

"what is the matter?"

"The arms of the Three Harmony Conference were originally going to pass through K City. Yesterday, I told the people in K City to make preparations.

But just now I suddenly received news that someone robbed them of their reward mission, and that batch of arms will pass through S City tonight. "

Lang Feng said eagerly.

Chen Jun frowned, "Does the specific port know?"

"I haven't got the exact information yet. I have sent someone to investigate it urgently." Lang Feng replied.

"Notify the Ministry of Communications to immediately activate the jamming device and cut off all satellite signals in City S.

Let the police, everyone at Bureau A immediately block all ports and entrances in City S. "

Chen Jun paused and continued, "You inform the people of Yunxiao and ask them to assist.

Once found, without any instructions, immediately deduct everything. "

"Yes, boss, got it."

Lang Feng hurriedly nodded in response.

Just about to leave, Chen Jun narrowed his eyes and said, "Can you find out who accepted the reward?"

"The reward order of the Three Harmony Meeting was issued on the dark web. The dark web has always kept user information confidential, and it is difficult to find the true information of this person."

Lang Feng thought for a while, then looked up at Chen Jun, "Boss, you suspect that this person has ulterior motives and deliberately led people to S City?"

"City S has the largest and most numerous ports in the country, and it is the closest to country R. Sanhe will have goods to transit through the border. City S is undoubtedly the best choice."

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