Probably his face took the initiative to please Yun Yi, and his mood finally improved.

Su Heng just greeted Yun Yi and Shen Qiu from start to finish, but didn't say anything.

It wasn't until the lunch was over that Yun Yi finally let go of the legs that hooked his face under the table.

After Su Heng wiped his hand with the napkin, he said to Yun Yi and Shen Qiu, "Mr. Yun, first go to Arou's room to rest. I have something to discuss with Mr. Shen."

Yun Yi was in a good mood right now, but began to continue to install the controlled robot.

With a blank face, he nodded very simply.

Shen Qiu turned his head to face the face and said, "You go back to the room and rest first, I will go upstairs to look for you after I have talked."

Rong Yan nodded, looking at the back of Yun Yi robot following Su Rou, quietly cursing him in his heart, and then turned upstairs and walked towards his room.

the other side.

Su Rou took Yun Yi back to her own room.

Looking at Yun Yi's expressionless face and letting her bring it back, she couldn't help feeling a bit resentful.

What is so good about Su Ling? Why do both of them like her?

If she hadn't used some methods on Yun Yi and implanted the chip in him, I am afraid that the person in front of him would not have announced his engagement with her in his life.

Thinking of this, I disgusted Su Ling even more.

However, what about that, Yun Yi is already in her hands now, and will only be hers in the future.

She didn't believe it, she couldn't open Shen Qiu and Su Ling.

He turned his head, sneered, and pulled Yun Yi to the bed and pressed it down.

"My dear, you rest here for a while, wait for me, I'll be right back."

Yun Yi continued to nod his head blankly, "I see."

Su Rou turned and went out. Five minutes later, she came back with a glass of juice in her hand and handed it to Yun Yi.

"The steak just now was too greasy. I deliberately poured the juice to relieve the greasiness for you. Drink it soon."

Yun Yi stretched out his hand to take it, and drank it without hesitation.

Su Rou saw how obedient he looked. Just now at the dinner table, because of seeing Yun Yi talking with his face, the little suspiciousness that surged in her heart disappeared completely in an instant.

He took the cup, raised his hand and pressed the person onto the bed to lie down, "Okay, you can rest."

Seeing Yun Yi closed his eyes, he turned around with confidence.

I found the home robot and put a glass of exactly the same juice I drank for Yun Yi on the tray in the robot's hand.

After thinking about it a little bit, then he ordered, "Go and send this glass of juice upstairs to the eldest lady. It was said that Mr. Shen was worried about her stomach upset and asked you to give it to her, and told her to drink it."

Although the chances of the robot making mistakes were almost impossible, Su Rou explained to the robot twice in succession to be on the safe side.

After confirming that it is 100% unlikely to make a mistake, he waved his hand to let the robot go upstairs.

Following the robot, hiding in a secret place, watching from a distance, the robot knocked on Su Ling's door and handed her the juice.

Seeing Su Ling stretched out his hand to take it, he sneered with disdain, and the corners of his lips curled up, revealing a smug smile.

Su Ling, wait, I will take away everything that belongs to you.

Without Mr. Shen, see what else you can be proud of in the future.

Watching Su Ling drank the juice in the glass with his own eyes, the door closed.

After the robot left, Su Rou waited outside for a few more minutes, turning her head to look around.

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