After confirming that there were no other people around, he stepped forward and knocked on Su Ling's door a few times.

There was no movement in the room.

Su Rou tapped several times in a row, and after no response came from the room, the corners of her lips twitched, and she raised her hand to quickly edit a message on the communication device and send it out.

Then he reached out from his pocket and took out the key he had prepared in advance, inserted it into the keyhole of the door, and opened the door directly.

Su Heng and Shen Qiu had been chatting in the study for most of the afternoon before they finally ended.

As soon as the two people left the house, they happened to ran into a robot waiting outside the door.

Seeing Shen Qiu coming out, he spoke to him in a mechanical voice, "Mr. Shen, the eldest is not feeling well in the room."

Shen Qiu pursed his lips and said to Su Heng who was on the side, "I will go upstairs to see her first."

Su Heng nodded, and in order to express his concern for Su Ling's daughter, he said, "Mr. Shen, don't worry, there should be nothing serious. I'll go take a look with you."

Shen Qiu nodded and said nothing, turned around and walked quickly upstairs with Su Heng.

Walked to the door of the room, raised his hand and knocked on the door. After waiting for a while, there was no movement in the room.

Then he said, "Su Ling, Su Ling."

After yelling a few times, and there was still no response in the room, Shen Qiu reached out and pushed the door. There was no obstruction to the door, and he was immediately pushed open.

When the two entered the door, they immediately saw the bed in the room, under the quilt tightly covered with a large ball, only a small piece of black hair was exposed above the quilt.

Shen Qiu looked at the big bulge on the bed, frowned slightly, stepped forward, and stretched out his hand to pull the quilt away from the man's head.

After seeing the situation on the bed, he raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Su Heng behind him.

"Mr. Su, I think I need to avoid it..."

Su Heng was a little unsure, so he took a busy step forward and looked towards the bed.

His face was hard to look at for an instant, and he stepped forward angrily, lifted the quilt on the bed, raised his hand, and slapped the three people on the bed several times.

Loudly shouted, "What are you doing, don't get up quickly yet."

Su Rou was in a daze, feeling that she was suddenly slapped severely on her face, and the fiery pain finally made her mind clearer.

Trying to open her eyes, before she was fully awake, a few slaps on her face hit her face again.

Su Rou jumped up from the bed in an instant and yelled, "Which **** dared to hit me and seek death."

Raising his hand, he wanted to fight towards Su Heng.

Su Heng felt ugly at first, but at this moment, being scolded by Su Rou was even more anxious, and kicked her on top of her feet, kicking people out.

Su Rou was kicked and fell to the ground, almost vomiting blood, only then completely woke up.

Seeing Su Heng with an angry face in front of him, and Shen Qiu next to him, he couldn't help but stun.

The curse that was about to be exported also swallowed back hurriedly.

He clutched his stomach and said aggrievedly, "Father, what happened? Why did you beat your daughter?"

"You still have the face to ask, see what good things you do." Su Heng pointed to the bed beside him furiously.

Su Rou followed his fingers and looked over, and saw that Shi Mengmei and the male gardener at home who specialized in cleaning up the garden were lying on the big bed.

Reminiscing that she also woke up in bed just now, panicked instantly, how could it be possible?

She obviously planned to calculate Su Ling, how could she become herself?

(The chapter owed yesterday, make up now, good night~)

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