"That fellow Shen Qiu is so insidious, he still doesn't know what he is trying to do with you.

If you don't go back with me for a second, I won't be at ease for a second. "

He wasn't afraid of Shen Qiu, but he didn't bother to spend more time with such a person.

Moreover, his purpose of coming here was originally just to find his wife and children.

I'm totally not interested in those rough stones.

Now that he had found Rongyan and Little Mango, he just wanted to take them home with them.

As for the other things, they have nothing to do with him.

Facing helplessness, he raised his hand and rubbed his head, "Well, when I go back to get something tomorrow, I will come back to look for you and go home with you and Little Mango."

She didn't even know it. In her memory, she and Shen Qiu had been together longer.

It was Shen Qiu who rescued her at the beginning, and it was Shen Qiu who pulled her out of the suffering and gave her a new life.

On the contrary, Yun Yi started to play hooligans on her from the first time he saw her, and always bullied her in various ways.

However, between Shen Qiu and Yun Yi, she just chose to believe in Yun Yi without hesitation.

Choosing to believe that she is his wife, the mummy of Little Mango.

Willing to take the risk to travel through time and space with him and go home!

Yun Yi looked up dissatisfied, "What is important?"

The face nodded, "Well, it's very important to me."

"More important than me?" Yun Yi looked at her jealously.

Yan Yan smiled helplessly and poked his cheek, "Hey, you are enough, I just go back to get something.

I promise that as soon as I get something, I will come back immediately. Are you satisfied? "

"Noon at the latest." Yun Yi chased to make sure.

Rong Yan couldn't help but smile, "Okay."

Although Yun Yi was reluctant to go back with his face, his face had already given in, and he couldn't really deny her the slightest freedom.

"Well, that's it, I must be back at noon at the latest."

The face nodded, thinking for a while and then said, "However, you are sure that my superpowers have not been restored, can we go back?"

According to Yun Yi's previous statement, she and Xiao Mango both broke space because of energy, and then used superpowers to come over. Only Yun Yi herself was sent by someone.

Now only Little Mango possesses superpowers, should the little guy take them two back?

That was her son, and she didn't want Little Mango to be injured.

Yun Yi immediately explained with joy, "Of course, Xiao An'an is now the invincible super boss of the universe.

The divine power in her body has been accumulated for tens of millions of years, even if the Jade Emperor, Hell Yama has no way to take her.

She sent me here before and gave me a pendant.

There is a breath of her in the pendant. After I found you and Little Mango, I crushed the pendant, and she could sense our existence with that breath.

And use this as a coordinate to bring us back.

Don't worry, if even she can't get us back, then probably no one else in this world has this ability. "

Everyone in the Xiao family is perverted, and now even the most fun Xiao An'an has become a big pervert, and it is still the most perverted one in the Xiao family now.

Whenever he has the opportunity, he must have Xiao An'an take him and his face to the heaven for a good time.

"Who is Xiao An'an? It sounds amazing." Rong Yan asked curiously.

"Xiao An'an is Mo Li's wife, Ning Ning and Xiao Ai's mom..."

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