"Who is Xiao An'an? It sounds amazing." Rong Yan asked curiously.

"Xiao An'an is Mo Li's wife, Ning Ning and Xiao Ai's mom..."

Yun Yi said Barabara for most of the day, and the sky and the earth that An Ziqi blew was unique.

"Really?" Rong Yan Sensen's voice sounded from the side.

Yun Yi's desire for survival was 100 points, and he instantly realized that his wife was jealous.

Immediately changed the conversation and hugged her face with a grin, "However, no matter how powerful she is, of course my wife is still the best and the best in my eyes."

"You don't come here, I don't believe you, that stinky rascal."

Rong Yan hummed, pushed him away, turned over and ignored him.

Yun Yi was in a very good mood right now, and smiled and leaned forward to kiss her.

"You are my wife and I am playing hooligans to you, otherwise, I will be hooligans to others, won't the vinegar jars all over the world have to be turned over."

"I'm not jealous, you shut up."

Rong Yan hurriedly turned over and raised his hand to cover his mouth.

"Yun Yi, you wait for me, wait for my super power to recover, and see if I don't put you in a vinegar jar and pickle them into pickled cucumbers."

"Yo, I said I'm not jealous."


The two were squatting on the bed, making a fuss.

Of course, with Yun Yi's temperament, it was natural to be unable to control the trouble. In the end, he was forced to pull his face and ask for it again.

After he personally helped people get the medicine, then he hugged people to sleep with joy.

When Yan Yan woke up the next morning, she realized that it was past nine o'clock.

She had planned to leave early in the morning, and went back to Su's house to prevent them from discovering that she had left in the middle of the night.

Unexpectedly, it was too late to be troubled by Yun Yi last night, and I overslept in the morning.

He hurriedly kicked the culprit next to him, but Yun Yi stretched out his long arm and brought him back in his arms again, holding the other person and refused to get up.

"Sleep with me for a while."

Rong Yan yelled in his ear, "Do you still want to leave?"

He stood up and beat him severely.

I don't know who it is. I said last night that he didn't want to stay here for a second.

As a result, she was pulling her to sleep in bed here in the morning.

She really had a pitfall in her mind that would believe his nonsense and want to leave with him today.

However, even though her mouth said so, her hands didn't stop at all.

Quickly pulled the clothes from the side, put them on, got up to wash.

Yun Yi felt it again after a long absence, the experience of being beaten up by his wife early in the morning.

But the mood is better than ever, and the satisfaction and smile on his face cannot be concealed.

Leaning against the door of the bathroom, watching his face wash quickly.

From the mirror, Yan Yan saw his satiated and refreshed face, feeling the pain from her waist and underneath, she couldn't help but lifted her hand and splashed the water back directly onto Yun Yi's face. .

Yun Yi didn't dodge, and stepped forward to catch her with a smirk.

Rongyan hurriedly smiled and avoided, ran to the door, stretched out and opened the door and ran downstairs.

Just ran to the living room downstairs when I heard a faint voice.

"I have made breakfast ready. Will Mommy leave without breakfast?"

The face stopped in a hurry, only then saw Little Mango sitting on the sofa, holding a small computer in his hands, looking at her with eyes full of resentment.

"So, Mommy only loves Daddy, doesn't she love me?"

The little guy has a pair of big shiny eyes with thick grievances, and his face and heart are all soft and messed up.

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