Therefore, Shen Qiu did not lie to her. From beginning to end, Yun Yi and Xiao Mango were the only ones who lied to her?

Although she had already heard clearly when she heard the two people talking outside the study, the two were lying to her.

However, now, personally confirmed from another population, it still made her scarred heart be slashed once again.

"Ms. Su, what's the matter? Is there any problem? Or is your body uncomfortable?" The doctor dutifully asked next to him.

Rong Yan closed her eyes slightly, "I'm fine, I want to take a break by myself."

The doctor looked up at Shen Qiu, and after getting his nod, he turned and exited the room.

Shen Qiu stepped forward and said softly, "You rest first, and I will take you home after you rest."

Rong Yan closed his eyes and said nothing, and Shen Qiu did not continue to question.

It wasn't until the sound of his footsteps was heard that the tears that Yan Yan had been suppressing since waking up finally slipped down the corners of his eyes.

the other side.

After Shen Qiu got out of the observation room, the doctor was already waiting outside.

The white coat he was wearing just now was gently pulled by his hand and pulled directly down, revealing the black clothes inside.

Surprisingly, he was the person who discussed the plan with him and helped him implement it when he was in the Shen family.

The corner of the man’s lips curled up, and said to the late autumn, “Relax, our plan is very successful. She has now firmly believed that what she saw before is true, and it is absolutely impossible to doubt it.”

Shen Qiu raised his hand slightly, interrupted him, turned his head and glanced at the observation room not far behind him. After confirming that his face had not heard him, he raised his leg and walked to the front office.

The man pretending to be a doctor raised his eyebrows and walked over there with him behind him.

The two entered the office back and forth, and Shen Qiu motioned him to close the door.

The man closed the door casually, leaned against the door, folded his hands on his chest, and said to him meaningfully, "Are you too concerned about her?"

Shen Qiu turned around and sat down behind the desk, and said faintly, "I just don't want the things that happened in the illusion before to be repeated on us."

The man shrugged, "Anyway, she will be completely controlled by us sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you really hear it. Why do you spend so much time making it into her fantasy."

That's right, everything that Rong Yan saw before was nothing but an illusion that they had arranged for her in advance.

He said earlier that she would never get out of that yard.

In fact, from the moment Rong Yan returned to Shen's house, it had already fallen into their plan.

Simply put, they had already filled her house with drugs that could induce hallucinations.

Every second and every breath she stayed in the room would only make herself deeper and faster into the illusion.

What she was looking for was not out of place, but because from that time, she had begun to fall into a half-truth illusion.

It is very complicated and troublesome to successfully create an illusion.

It is even more difficult to not be discovered by the people in the illusion.

The person who needs to fall into the illusion, while entering the illusion, retains a part of his true consciousness.

In this way, she will have a complete sense of reality, and after she wakes up, she will completely believe in everything she has seen and heard.

And they, in the environment, do not fall into illusion.

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