Shen Qiu's question is true, and Yan Yan's answer is also a sincere answer from her subconscious.

As for everything about Yun Yi and Xiao Mango behind, it was naturally their arrangement, the hallucinations that had occurred in Yan Yan's mind.

From beginning to end, she hadn't even stepped out of that house for half a step.

In a word, it's so troublesome to death.

If it weren't for Shen Qiu's insistence, he would be more inclined to directly tie his face back with force in a simple and rude manner.

Then she used punishment to force her to confess the whereabouts of the original stone.

Of course, if it wasn't because she was still useful to them, he would be more direct and kill her.

Shen Qiu raised his eyes and glanced at him warningly, "I don't allow anyone to sabotage my plan. She has a special appearance and physique. You know how important she is to us.

She has a strong personality and is very smart. As long as we have a little flaw, she may be stunned for the time being, but one day, she will definitely want to understand.

If she knows the truth, neither you nor I can predict the consequences.

So, you should be careful and be less smart. "

The man raised his eyebrows, and said, "The key to another world in Yun Yi's mouth has been reported to the clan, and the elders of the clan take it very seriously.

Tell us, you must get it anyway, what are you going to do? "

Shen Qiu gently buckled a few fingers on the table in front of him, his face was the person he chose, and all his actions were under his supervision at all times.

Naturally, the remarks she and Yun Yi said before hadn't escaped.

If the Federation and the Empire are two hard bones, then the so-called other time and space in Yun Yi's mouth is a piece of delicious fat to them.

It is definitely the best choice for them to recuperate.

As long as they have the pendant Yun Yi said, and open the channel to that world, it will belong to them.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the few elders in the clan will take it seriously.

It's just, "Yun Yi and Little Mango are not easy to deal with, especially the Little Mango, who seems to be just an ordinary child, but the methods are definitely much better than most people.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to get the trust of Master Leysin so easily and become his direct disciple.

In just a few months, they can quietly acquire those military factories and quickly become a giant in the arms industry.

As far as I know, during this period of time, the military headquarters of the Empire and the Federation and the Yun family were very close.

They now not only control arms, but also possess the most advanced mechas in the Empire and the Federation.

We want to **** the pendant from them, let alone know what the pendant looks like or where it is.

Even if they knew, with their current strength, it would never be possible to grab them. "

Shen Qiu paused with his hands on the table, "If you want to take the pendant away from Yun Yi's hands, the best choice is to rely on appearance.

Only the face can gain his trust and **** the key from his hand. "

"You also said that robbery is impossible.

I don't think she can escape from Yun Yi's men. "The man said directly.

An ironic smile flashed in Shen Qiu's eyes, "He dare not."

Yun Yi didn't dare to hurt her face, she was going to leave, but he couldn't stop it.

The time and space they are in now, whether it is science and technology, or medical methods, far exceeds that of the earth.

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