Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5007: Illegal means

"Mr. Yun said very much, thank you for your advice."

Yun Yi snorted coldly, "No one knows what the outcome will be until the last moment.

Miss Su, you'd better pray that we won't have the chance to meet again next time. "

After speaking, he turned around and walked out directly to the outside of the military headquarters.

If he was not sure what happened before, now he is sure.

Shen Qiu must have done something with those rare materials in the middle, so Minister Arthur would refuse to see him.

Arthur and Minister Gao have been polite to him before, and being close to him has never been for reasons of profit.

He had never expected that he and them could be like Chen Jun and Xiao Moli.

Now, Shen Qiu took out Level 9 or even Level 10 materials, which brought them even greater benefits, and the relationship between him and Shen Qiu was a mortal enemy.

Obviously, under the huge temptation of level 9 and level 10 materials, Arthur had already chosen Shen Qiu.

Perhaps the same goes for Minister Gao.

The reason why he didn't directly drive him away was probably because he might still be useful to them in the future.

After all, it is not possible to make level 9 mechas and level 10 mechas with level 9 materials and level 10 materials.

Little Mango is a direct disciple of Master Leysin, and maybe they will need Master Leysin to make mechas for them in the future.

If he drove him away today, it would be equivalent to completely offending him.

When they need Master Leysin in the future, I'm afraid it won't be too easy.

Now Shen Qiu is here again.

Therefore, he will not drive him away directly, but he will not see him either.

The best way is nothing more than procrastinating with busy excuses.

Even so, it doesn't make any sense for him to stay here.

There is another thing he doesn't want to admit from the bottom of his heart. He is afraid that if he stays here, he can't help but do something that makes him ashamed.

As for the shadow family, and the ownership of the M2 planet.

If it is not legal, then use illegal means. Anyway, he has never been a good citizen who abides by the law.

As far as Yunxiao did, if judged by law, he had already been shot 800 times.

The car drove fast all the way, and when he returned to the hospital, standing in front of the ward, Yun Yi had an inexplicable guilty conscience.

It feels like he did something sorry for his appearance.

The hand holding the doorknob couldn't help but force, and after holding it for a while, he finally took a strong breath, mustered the courage to force down, opened the door, and walked in.

Outside the door, I heard faint voices coming from inside.

Yun Yi couldn't help speeding up at his feet, walked quickly into the room, and raised his eyes to see Little Mango sitting in front of the patient bed.

The person on the bed who has been in a coma for a long time has opened his eyes and is looking up at him.

However, in those eyes, the bitterness is more than the joy of reunion. After a moment of brightness, they immediately dim.

Yun Yi hurriedly stepped forward, eagerly shouted, "Face."

The eyes of the person on the bed drooped slightly, and he responded in a low voice, "Yeah."

"How are you? Do you still feel any pain? What is uncomfortable?

Has the doctor been seen? What do they say? How long will it take to recover? "Yun Yi was very anxious, and Balabala asked a lot of questions.

Yan Yan pursed her lips, "It's okay, I'm fine, just a small injury.

My physique is different from that of ordinary people, and I should be able to heal soon. "

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