Daddy, Delivery of Mommy Has Arrived!

Chapter 5008: We'd better separate temporarily

After a pause, he seemed to want to say something to him, but in the end he just opened his mouth and swallowed those words back again.

Listening to her polite and alienated words, Yun Yi felt uncomfortable to death in her heart.

He knew what Yan Yan was thinking about, but he did admit that he was wrong, and he was indeed with Su Ling, and everything that shouldn't have happened happened.

Before, he had been praying in his heart that his face would be okay soon, and quickly woke up, but now that his face finally woke up, he didn't know how to explain all this to her.

The atmosphere between the two fell strangely silent.

Seeing this, the little mango on the side gave a car to his father with a blank eye.

Then he raised his small face obediently and smiled at his face, "Mommy, you have been asleep for so long, and you have been relying on nutrient solution for many days.

I will find someone to make you a good meal first, and then I will come back to accompany you. "

Rong Yan raised his head to look at him, and finally there was a gentle smile in his bleak eyes.

Raised his hand and rubbed his little head, "Well, it's not safe outside, don't run around, come back quickly."


Little Mango leaned forward with a grin, stood on tiptoe, and kissed her on the cheek.

Then he turned around and ran out with his short legs.

After a burst of cheerful footsteps, the door of the outer room heard the sound of being closed.

In the ward, neither of them spoke first, after a long silence.

The hand on Yun Yi's side was tightly clenched and clenched, and he spoke with some difficulty, "Long Yan, I..."

Rong Yan's eyes drooped slightly, not looking at him, but turning his eyes to look out of the other window, faintly interrupting the words he wanted to explain.

"Yun Yi, I think it's better for us to separate for now.

Little Mango is by your side, I have nothing to worry about.

Now, most of my body has recovered, and the rest just need to rest for a while.

I won't stay to disturb you anymore. After Little Mango comes back for a while, I will accompany him to lunch and leave. "

Yun Yi's heart tightened suddenly, he had always known the character of her face, and he also guessed that she would not forgive him after she woke up.

However, he did not expect that Yan Yan was not even willing to give him a chance to explain and make up for his mistakes.

Busily stepped forward to the bed, reached out and grabbed her hand, "Long Yan, listen to me explain.

I know that I am the wrong person who admits the wrong person.

But I really didn't mean it, I just missed you too much, wanted to find you too much, so I misidentified her when I was in a hurry.

What I think in my mind, what I love in my heart, you are the only one from start to finish. "

"You want to hit me, scold me, stab me with a knife, it doesn't matter how you want to punish me.

I promise, I will never resist.

But, I beg you, don't leave me. "

He gritted his teeth and slammed his hands, freeing his hands from his hands, "All you think, love is only me?

Do you dare to say that you really have no feelings for her yourself?

If it really doesn't, then when you came back just now, you were silent and hesitated outside the door for so long. Why? "

Without the little mango, the pain in her eyes could no longer be concealed.

Yun Yi didn't feel well in her heart. Seeing the painful look on her face, she only wished to give herself a few slaps.

Panic stretched out his hand and hugged the person into his arms.


Yan Yan struggled desperately, trying to push him away.

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