Yun Yi looked at the scarlet liquid running down her neck, and felt flustered inexplicably.

Unable to hold it back, he quickly raised his hand and squeezed Su Ling's hand that was holding the glass shards.

With force in his hand, he forcibly opened Su Ling's fingers holding the glass shards.

The sharp shard of glass lost the support of her fingers and stabbed alone on her neck.

A steady stream of blood flowed down her neck, but in an instant it had dyed a large piece of clothing in front of her.

It can be seen that she really made a dead hand just now, and the glass shards have penetrated into a very deep place.

Yun Yi's face was ugly, and his thin red lips had already been tightly pressed into a straight line.

Su Ling tried hard to endure the pain in his neck and spoke with difficulty.

"Yun...Yun Yi, you believe..."

As she spoke, the blood under the fragments instantly accelerated, gurgling outward.

Yun Yi gritted his teeth, "You shut up."

He couldn't say why, he had already hated her in his heart, but there was still no way to watch her die in front of him.

Moreover, he didn't want to admit that there was a voice clamoring in his heart. Believe her again, the previous ones are just their guesses. Perhaps, this matter really has something else hidden.

He pulled the person to the side and sat down on the bed, turned his head and quickly looked around.

Reached out and picked up the brand-new shirt from the ground, and quickly tore it into pieces, which was delivered by the service staff in the morning.

He was not awake at the time, and the service staff woke him up. When he saw the new clothes brought in, he realized that what happened last night was not his illusion, nor a dream, but the truth. happened.

Face is in a cold war with him, these days without even looking at him, it is impossible to show up in the bar and bring him here.

Therefore, that woman can only be Su Ling.

He was angry, he was in pain, but what he hated even more was why he confessed to the wrong person again?

Why is he totally unable to control himself every time he faces Su Ling.

This feeling had always only appeared when he faced his face before, but now it has become Su Ling.

Thinking of Rong Yan's painful appearance when he knew the wrong person, he regretted that he couldn't kill himself.

In addition to regret, there was a trace of fear in his heart, fearing that he himself had really empathized and began to fall in love with Su Ling?

He wanted to question Su Ling, obviously he had let her go, why did she still appear in front of him?

Why make him so painful?

But on the communicator side, Su Ling directly chose to hang up.

Just when he was suffering and entangled, Su Ling rushed to this place, which made him start to shake again.

The penetration depth of the glass shards is not shallow, according to the current bleeding volume, if not dealt with as soon as possible, she may really die.

However, it is too late to take her to the hospital.

Gritting her teeth, raising her hand to pinch the glass shards on her neck, looking at the blood that kept pouring out, she couldn't help but say something.

"You bear it up."

The voice came down here, and the hand on the other side violently pulled out the glass shards.

The blood brought by the fragments splashed on his face, but Yun Yi didn't blink his eyes, and immediately plugged the remaining large group of shirts directly on her wound.

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