Then he raised his other hand and quickly tapped an acupuncture point near her wound.

Because of their special training since childhood, their growth environment, and family responsibilities, they may be injured at any time.

Especially for these fragile parts such as the neck, it is impossible to have medical staff by their side all the time.

Therefore, first aid knowledge is a skill they must learn.

Although his level cannot be compared with Xiao Chen and Yuan Fei, he can still save his life at critical moments.

After tapping the acupuncture point, the blood on Su Ling's neck finally gradually stopped.

When Yun Yi saw this, his expression relaxed.

Unreasonably, he reached out and picked up the previously torn strip of cloth, followed her neck, and wrapped the wound in circles.

Although the blood in the wound has stopped, just doing this is obviously not enough.

As long as the movement is larger, it may break at any time.

Yun Yi glanced at the communication device that was smashed into half by him on the ground not far away, turned around and quickly turned and pressed the calling device on the wall of the bed.

After the service staff over there got connected, they instructed them to bring in therapeutic equipment, hemostatic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs and other things.

This bar is one of the largest bars in the empire, and the service quality and speed are naturally not mentioned.

A minute later, the door was knocked from outside.

Yun Yi got up and opened the door, and took a medicine box from the service staff.

He quickly turned around and returned to the house, and quickly treated the wound on Su Ling's neck again.

Su Ling sat on the edge of the bed, quietly watching Yun Yi deal with her wounds.

This is the rare peace between the two of them after coming back from the face. If she can, she is unwilling to break this tranquility.

But Yuan Fei and Haili couldn't wait over there and gritted their teeth, "They...They are now in the underground base under Shen Qiu's villa. How do you plan to save them?"

The movement of Yun Yi's hand paused, and then he quickly treated the wound on her neck.

He raised his eyes and looked at it. Under the treatment of drugs and therapeutic equipment, the **** wound that was still deep just now, at least on the surface, can no longer see anything.

Eyes swept across the neckline of her clothes inadvertently, and the looming bruises under the neckline reminded him of what happened last night.

Yun Yi squeezed the treatment instrument's hand tightly, lowered his eyes, and put those things into the medicine box again.

Then he slowly said, "The matter of saving people still needs to be considered for a long time.

I need the security system, house structure, location map, and details of the underground base at Shenqiu Villa.

Then we can decide how to save people. "

Hearing Yun Yi's words, Su Ling knew that she had won the bet this time.

I finally let out a sigh of relief in my heart, "The security system will wait for me to go back in a while, and I will find a way to figure it out, and then send it to you.

I can tell you the details of the house structure, location map, and underground base. "

As he was about to continue speaking, Yun Yi had a calm face and stretched out his long arms. He took the memo pad and pen from the bedside table and threw them to her.

"Don't think too much, I just don't want you to talk too much and cause the wound to crack again, and then I will have to trouble my hands full of blood to bandage you."

After speaking, she seemed to be afraid that she would not believe it, and emphasized, "I hate blood."

However, although the words he said were ugly and mean, it was from these words that Su Ling heard worry.

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