I want to find a hole in the ground to get my whole person in.

Yun Yi has always been cheeky, "I will disturb your daddy and my good deeds with such a small matter. Do you still want your little sister."

Rong Yan immediately turned around in embarrassment, raised his hand to cover his mouth tightly, "You shut up, don't take any mangoes."

Yun Yi didn't care about it, his face was firmly covered with his mouth, and he was inspired by a long list, and he couldn't hear what he was saying.

On the other side of the screen, Little Mango naturally heard Daddy's and Mommy's conversation just now from the connected system.

Knowing that the face has recovered her memory, she is the real mommy.

He smiled and said to his face, "Don't worry, Mommy, I still like my little sister very much.

But let's forget the little brother, I'm afraid he will want to beat him when he is disobedient. "

The corners of Yan Yan's lips twitched fiercely, and this little **** did not learn well with Yun Yi.

I started to be violent when I was only a few years old, and I was thinking about beating my younger brother in the future.

"Shut up for me too, and I will educate you after I go back."

However, there is a slight redness in his eyes.

She disappeared without a trace in the explosion. If she was changed to another person, she would have been deemed dead and gave up looking for her.

And Xiao Mango and Yun Yi, not only did not give up on her, but risked their lives, and went through the tunnel of time and space to find someone who didn't know whether they existed or not.

And An Ziqi, Xiao Chen and others, none of these people gave up on her.

Without waiting for Little Mango over there to speak again, Yun Yi directly "slapped" and closed the screen display in front of him.

Then he looked arrogant, and said to his face incomparably childishly, "I haven't forgiven you yet.

You still have to think about how to coax me when you go back. Tell you, I’m very difficult to coax. "

The face couldn't help but sneered and leaned forward and gave him a big kiss on the cheek, "Okay."

Yun Yi's raised face said that this alone was not enough.

It's just that handsome face and deep eyes, but there is no way to hide happiness anyway.

Rong Yan thought of something, and hurriedly turned around and grabbed Yun Yi's arm. "The woman who pretended to be me approached you and you don't know what's the intention. Is it dangerous for Little Mango?"

"Don't worry, your son, you still don't know?" Yun Yi asked indifferently.

To say that when Little Mango first appeared in his life, it was really simple and lovely.

However, after the black belly of Xiao Yining, the little witch of Xiao Qianai's life day and night, as well as the infection of Xiaoye, Xiaotiantian and others, the little mango now is no longer the innocent and simple little mango.

Unless he is willing, it would be good if he doesn't take the initiative to cheat others.

Who wants to take advantage of him is definitely not an easy task.

And as for the identity of that woman, they had all seen his speculation in Yuan Fei's materials before.

Although it is still not completely certain, since Yuan Fei made such a guess, even if it is not completely true, it will definitely not be far from the truth.

If Yuan Fei's previous guess is true, then that woman should not be against Little Mango.

Moreover, judging from their previous relationship, her attitude towards Little Mango, and the look in her eyes, at least she did not have any bad thoughts about Little Mango.

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