As for whether there is any other purpose, it will be verified after they and Yuan Fei both return.

And most importantly, the little guy, Little Mango, didn't trust her as much as he showed on the surface since the woman returned home from the very beginning.

Calling Mommy one by one, the suspicion and investigation of that woman in private never stopped.

Otherwise, it is impossible to find and restore the damaged information at the moment when Rong Yan is about to marry Shen Qiu.

Therefore, without clarifying the specific circumstances of that woman, Little Mango was more wary of that woman than him.

Sometimes even he himself has to admit that Little Mango is really good.

So good that he often forgets that he is just a few years old.

However, it is naturally impossible for him to admit these things in front of Little Mango, otherwise, the little guy will not be dying.

Having said that, his face is not at ease, no matter how witty and powerful, Little Mango is just a child.

The woman is also superpowered, and she is worried that if something really happens, Little Mango will not be able to deal with her.

Seeing her distraught, Yun Yi reached out and took her hand, and squeezed it slightly.

"You have to believe in your son. He was able to travel through time and space alone to find you. Now this problem is not a problem for him.

Among other things, he definitely has the ability to protect himself. "

It's okay if he doesn't say anything. When he said that, Yan Yan instantly glared at him, stretched out his hand and pinched him vigorously.

"You also said that you don't know how dangerous it is to travel through time and space.

He is still so young, why did you agree to let him come alone? "

Yun Yi now knows what it means to shoot himself in the foot.

Naturally, he couldn't say that the situation was critical at the time. The cracks in time and space were torn apart and swallowed the little mango. He had no choice but to venture through time and space without any certainty.

If Rong Yan knew about it, she wouldn't let him sleep in the toilet for a year.

I can only honestly let his face pinch him to punish him, "Well, it's all my fault. When we go back, you will punish it."

Although Yan Yan was not at ease, it was already like this, she could only try to rush back with Yun Yi as soon as possible.

Thinking of something, he hurriedly said, "Then what should Yuan Fei and Haili do?

We had such a fight at the wedding this time, and Shen Qiu must have guessed that I was lying to him before.

Now that he stuns the snake, he will definitely take precautions, and it will be difficult for us to rescue them. "

Rescuing Yuan Fei and Hai Li and the others was originally the main reason she would come to the Federation with Shen Qiu.

Unexpectedly, the sudden appearance of Yun Yi disrupted her plan.

Yun Yi squeezed her little face irritably, "Don't worry, I have been in the Federation for several days. Your husband, I have my own arrangements.

You have this skill now, so why don't you think about it, how to coax me when you go back. "

In fact, Rong Yan and Shen Qiu arrived here within a few days after they returned to the Federation, and took advantage of the chaos to pretend to be the host and mix into the wedding planning team and into the Shen family.

Probably because in the Federation, Shen Qiu was too arrogant, so he didn't waste a lot of effort to find the clues of Yuan Fei and figure out everything.

He will be making a big noise at the wedding today, on the one hand for appearance, on the other hand, he actively got into the trap, naturally to attract all the energy and attention of Shen Qiu.

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