Yun Yi looked at the incomparably splendid fireworks in the distance, and raised his lips.

"I wonder if my wife is still satisfied with this expensive firework feast?"

In order to deal with him this time, Shen Qiu really made a lot of money.

Those mechas are the lowest level five mechas, and many of them are level six mechas.

Not counting the energy and weapons required by the mechas, just these fifty mechas are a lot of money.

Now, it was all destroyed by him alone.

Even Shen Qiu would have to bleed distressedly.

This upgraded Level 8 mech is indeed powerful, no wonder the two military ministers of the Empire and the Federation are willing to betray their cooperation with Shen Qiu.

If he waits for the ninth level or even the tenth level mecha to be researched out, he will bring it back to the earth.

I am afraid that even if they want to dominate the world, it is not difficult.

The corners of Yun Yi's lips curled up. After waiting for a while, he didn't hear the movement of his face, and then he realized that something was wrong.

Busy turning his head to look at his face, he saw that his face was pale at the moment, and the big beads of sweat on his forehead were constantly falling down his cheeks.

His brows were frowning, a bead of sweat still hung on his long eyelashes, his teeth were biting his pale mouth, and a circle of blood had been bitten from her lips.

Both hands firmly grasped the armrests on both sides of the seat, because they were so hard that they didn't even know that their nails were broken.

And the white gauze on her body has been soaked with sweat.

The whole person seemed to be suffering from great pain.

Yun Yi almost immediately thought of whether Shen Qiu had done anything to her face.

He hurriedly stretched out his hand and forcibly broke her hand away from the handrails on both sides, and held her hand firmly to prevent her from hurting herself.

Anxiously said, "Face, what's wrong with your face?

Did Shen Qiu do something to you? "

Rong Yan wanted to tell him that he was okay, but at this moment in his body it seemed that he was being bitten by countless tiny bugs.

Every muscle, every bone, even every cell is being gnawed.

In pain, she hardly even had the strength to speak.

"I...I...nothing...hurry up...hurry up..."

If she remembered correctly, besides these mechas, there were some small spaceships that surrounded them before.

Moreover, Shen Qiu said before that Yun Yi has already laid a net here.

In addition to what they saw in front of them, the dark place still didn't know what was waiting for them.

Even if Yun Yi is strong, there is only one person after all.

Moreover, all mechas rely on energy boxes to support their operations.

The energy box is like the battery of a toy.

The battery is exhausted and the toy can no longer be moved.

The same principle applies to energy boxes and mechas.

The higher the level of the mecha, the higher the energy consumption. Although Yunyi's mecha is of higher level, the energy box loss will be ten or even a hundred times that of the ordinary mecha.

Even if he had brought a spare energy box, if Shen Qiu had spent it here with him, sooner or later Yun Yi's energy box would be exhausted.

At that time, the mecha was just a bunch of useless parts, and Yun Yi had no room to resist.

Yun Yi looked at the painful and struggling look of Rong Yan, his heart was broken.

Gritting his teeth, "How could it be okay? I'm going to grab Shen Qiu right now."

After that, he directly raised his hand and quickly controlled the mecha to rush in the direction where the small spaceships were just now.

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