"No...No, no...Yes."

Rong Yan tried to endure the pain, and firmly grasped his hand, "I...it's okay, go...hurry up!"

She is now letting Yun Yi go to find Shen Qiu, just to send Yun Yi into the trap.

What kind of experiment Shen Qiu was doing in private, she just spied a little bit by accident last time.

When she wanted to continue the investigation later, she couldn't find any clues.

It has not yet been clear what those human trials are for.

If Yun Yi really fell into Shen Qiu's hands, he would never let him go.

She had already seen how Shen Qiu treated those experimental subjects, so, in any case, she would not allow Yun Yi to fall into Shen Qiu's hands, and he would become like that.

Yun Yi looked at his face in pain, and the teeth in his mouth were about to be crushed by him.

Rong Yan didn't want him to be in danger, but how could he look at her in such pain and ignore it.

Even if he needs a woman to protect himself, he is still a man.

Looking up, I saw that the small spaceships had begun to fire various shells at him.

Yun Yi gritted his teeth, Shen Qiu is determined to catch him today.

Even if he wanted to leave now, Shen Qiu would never let him leave so easily.

If Shen Qiu was really just the person in charge of Haien, he would naturally not take him seriously.

However, Shen Qiu's back is related to the Zerg race, and it must not be that simple to deal with him.

He hadn't been arrogant enough to feel that he could deal with the entire Zerg remnants with his own power.

When he came to the Federation to save people before, naturally he also brought manpower with him.

Just in order to avoid getting rid of the grass and startling the snake, all the other staff arranged to rescue Yuan Fei and the others.

When the matter on their side is resolved, those people will rush here to join him.

At that time, they will just be able to kill Shen Qiu here.

Thinking of this, Yun Yi held Rong Yan's hand in one hand, and quickly controlled the mecha with the other hand to start a counterattack.

Shen Qiu sneered. Does Yun Yi really think he only has this preparation?

Although distressed, as long as he can catch Yun Yi this time, he will take all the losses back from Yun Yi sooner or later.

Raising his hand to make a gesture to the person behind him, the person nodded, and while directing the spacecraft to fight, he quickly launched a signal above the spacecraft.

So, a moment later, after Yun Yi had managed most of the spaceships on the opposite side by himself.

In the boundless interstellar space around, a large number of mechas and spaceships appeared densely without knowing when.

At the same time, the communication device in Yun Yi's hand flashed suddenly.

He raised his hand and quickly clicked on the communicator, and a message popped up immediately.

It was the person he had sent to rescue Yuan Fei and Haili before.

Yuan Fei, Haili and the Shadow Clan people have all been rescued successfully.

However, it took a little time during the rescue, and it may take about an hour to get there at night than expected.

Yun Yi pursed his lower lip, raised his eyes to the top of the screen, and glanced at the mechas and the small spaceships surrounded by them in dense mahjong.

Then he raised his hand and shook his face firmly, "Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will definitely protect you and won't let you suffer any more harm."

Over there, Yan Yan had been tortured to almost collapsed by the continuous pain all over her body.

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