Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 4 Chapter 87: Half-step Valkyrie is born

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The twelve pairs of arms of the dark phantom hold the big sun reincarnation phantom, like a giant in the myth holding up the sun.

This scene has a very visual impact.

What is stronger than the visual effect is the explosive power of the confrontation between the two sides. The twelve pairs of arms are surging with terrible strange power, squeezing the golden sun, trying to pinch it out.

On the other hand, the principle of reincarnation continues to radiate the power to purify everything, and it must evaporate and purify the half-step martial **** from the body to the soul.

The spirit of the Wufu and the light of the Buddha's form of reincarnation are intertwined and entangled, turning into a storm that destroys everything, raging in all directions.

The dark red flesh and blood that covered the ground like silt was scraped away layer by layer, and there was no more than half an inch of flesh and blood under Shenshu's feet.

Even the "physical body" of the Buddha could not get close to the gods at this time.


The Taoist Orange Cat struck **** the bronze bell, the Taoist robe flew violently, the Taoist hairpin fell off, and the white hair and white beard flew in the wind.

Yang Gong, wearing a crown of sub-sage scholars, casts spells to increase the power of the bell.

The bell is only an aid, and the one that can truly resist the control of the Buddha's dhamma is the powerful soul of the gods themselves.

While paying close attention to the battlefield, Chu Yuanzhen took out the fragments of the ground book, and preached:

[The visitor of Ziyang came just right and solved our urgent need. It's just that the master of the gods may not have fought against the Buddha. 】

He said it more euphemistically.

Everyone can realize that even if the gods are in their peak state, there is still a gap compared to the Buddha.

Moreover, if this battle took place on the vast land of the Western Regions, Shenshu might have been defeated by now.

In the imperial palace, Huai Qing pinched her eyebrows with a headache when she looked at the book. She didn't reply to Chu Yuanzhen because she didn't know how to answer.

"Wei Gong, Zhao Aiqing, Wang Aiqing, what are the best strategies for the three of today's changes?" Huaiqing asked with a heavy tone.

This time even the resourceful Wei Yuan couldn't help it.

He pondered and replied:

"Do your best, obey the fate."

Wang Zhenwen added to the details, saying:

"Immediately send an order to let the Leizhou Chief Envoy to call on the officials of all states and counties to move the people of Leizhou to the east, as much as possible.

"If the gods are defeated, let's just watch the changes and see how the Buddha intends to encroach on the Central Plains and the speed of encroachment, and then we will discuss the countermeasures...

"In addition, I sent people overseas to find Xu Yinluo. Dafeng is in urgent need of his combat power now."

Zhao Shou sighed:

"If you don't become a half-step warrior, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop the Buddha. But in the current situation, you can only take one step and count one step. There is no alternative."

Huaiqing gave an "um" and quickly passed the book:

[1: I will immediately order the Leizhou Chief Envoy to relocate the people of Leizhou. I will trouble you all to try your best to entangle the Buddha and delay time. Dao Lan Lian, you are fast, please go out to sea immediately and look for Xu Qi'an. 】

Xu Qi was living overseas, too far away, unable to contact with the fragments of the ground book.

What Li Miaozhen wanted to do was not to find Xu Qi'an in the vast ocean, but to re-include the fragments of his book from the ground into the scope of the biography, and to inform him of the changes in Kyushu.

[Two: Understand. 】

Li Miaozhen knows why Huaiqing chose her to go to sea. Her system overlaps with Taoist Jin Lian. There is no more than her, and a lot less than her.

As for Du'er Luohan and Master Hengyuan, and even Asura, although there are overlapping systems, Du'er Luohan is now a sweet pastry, it is too dangerous to act alone, and there is no ground book fragment.

The essence of Master Hengyuan is Rank 4, and he can only explode the power to kill the thief for a short time, and it is too reluctant to let a Rank 4 go out to sea.

Asuro is the pinnacle of the second-ranking pinnacle, and he is indispensable for his important combat power.

Therefore, Li Miaozhen, who is good at flying with swords and coming and going like wind, became the best candidate.

The Feiyan Swordswoman had a very strong view of the overall situation, and immediately took over the task, ignoring to say goodbye to her companions, her sword turned into a streamer and swept south.


In the huge explosion, the bronze bell in front of Dao Master Jin Lian exploded into dust.

Li Miaozhen suddenly looked back and saw that the surrounding scenery faded and turned into black and white; he saw the Liuli Bodhisattva who had broken the bronze bell appear in front of Jin Lian Dao Chang, waved the jade knife in his hand, and cut off Dao Chang's head.

Seeing the Jialuo tree appearing in the colorless enchantment, he easily caught the unmovable Duerrohan.

Guangxian Bodhisattva, who saw the image of a young monk, stood in the distance, watching this scene with a smile on his face.

The three Bodhisattvas shot.

The path of the walker came and went without a trace, and hit everyone by surprise by a sneak attack.

And very sensibly did not take action against Asura, Chu Yuanzhen and Hengyuan.

Because these three have a premonition of a warrior's crisis.

How can the two second-ranks who have no premonition of crisis escape the attack of the first-rank Bodhisattva?

No.........Li Miaozhen's pupils shrank violently, and the streamer that Feijian turned into suddenly stopped.



A huge monster floats on the surface of the sea, floating up and down with the waves.

Its appearance is not much different from that of an octopus, but it is covered with blue-black scales, and the back of the head is a piece of **** armor like a tortoise shell. At first glance, it is a material with extremely strong defense power.

Endless years have passed, and this body is still not decayed, and it is full of vitality.

After reaching a certain level, the physical body and the primordial spirit are actually two different things. The primordial spirit is extinguished, but the vitality of the physical body will not disappear.

Take the third-rank martial artist, even if the soul is scattered, the physical body will retain its vigorous vitality, and it will not gradually weaken until decades later, and it will take a hundred years to completely lose its vitality.

As for the Half-Step Valkyrie, it is basically immortal, and Super Grade is also difficult to kill.

Even if one day's vitality is wiped out, the body will decay together with the soul, and will not leave a vibrant body, because the three spirits and spirits of the pinnacle warrior have long been united.

Fortunately, although this ancient **** and demon is in control of "power", it is not a martial artist.

Otherwise, Xu Qi'an could not be cheaper today.

After coming to the surface of the sea with the body of a big octopus, Xu Qi'an did not waste time, his apple tussle rolled, and a small jade mirror was spit out.


Fingertips lightly pressed the back of the ground book, and a series of octagonal copper plates shrouded in clear light, flying out one after another, floating in the air.

There are a total of one hundred and eight fast copper plates. Each octagonal copper plate is the size of a round table and is engraved with a mess of patterns, some like tadpoles, some criss-crossing lines, and some like the flames of a simple pen. And waves...

But these completely irrelevant array patterns are arranged in a wonderful rhythm, containing certain rules of heaven and earth.

This is the formation plate that can refine the essence of the first-rank strong...The nine-tailed fox in the sky opened its beautiful eyes, trying to write down the formation pattern on the octagonal copper plate.

"If you want, I'll use it up later, I'll give you the copper plate."

Xu Qi'an, who was sitting on the surface of the sea, raised his eyes and smiled:

"It's all your own, don't be polite."

"Okay, okay..." The Nine-Tailed Fox is not an introverted lady.

Xu Qi'an stopped talking, kept sitting cross-legged, and slowly rose into the air.

One hundred and eight copper plates were scattered, each falling in different directions, suspended above the big octopus and below Xu Qi'an.

The nine-tailed fox only thinks that the location of the copper plate is very particular, which coincides with the mystery of the five elements of yin and yang. The 108 copper plates are composed of a huge gossip covering a very wide range.


One hundred and eight copper plates rotate clockwise, rippling circles of clear light.

At first there was no abnormality, but after a quarter of an hour, the nine-tailed fox saw the big octopus's body, slowly wafting wisps of scarlet light. Upon closer inspection, the light was composed of twisted lines.

They are very similar to the lines imprinted on the tentacles of a big octopus.

This is the spiritual accumulation of ancient gods and demons.

The Ling Yun was stripped out and gathered towards the copper plate. After these strands of light were filtered by the copper plate, they continued to float up and poured into Xu Qi'an's body.

One after another twisted lines appeared on Xu Qi'an's skin, which were the spiritual accumulation of a big octopus.

The power of the gods and demons comes from the spiritual accumulation, and the remaining spiritual accumulation in the ancient gods and demons is being transferred into Xu Qi'an little by little.

Plundered by Dafeng's first-class martial artist.

One hundred and eight fast copper plates, continuously stripping away the spiritual accumulation of the big octopus.

Xu Qi'an's breath rose slowly, while the remains of the ancient gods and demons withered little by little.


Shenshu split a mouth on his back and let out a breath machine gently.

Kacha...The colorless realm spread by the Liuli Bodhisattva was immediately shattered.

In an emergency, Shenshu had to help, but it was also limited to the exhalation machine, smashing a fixed area.

"You really came."

Asura took a deep breath, his eyes sharp under the brow bone, scanning the three Bodhisattvas.

"Perhaps you should let the ants show up again?"

"Hurry up!"

He did not forget the voice transmission to warn Li Miaozhen.

Guangxian Bodhisattva asked with a smile.

Yang Gong and others looked solemn, and slowly moved closer to each other.

According to previous experience, the three second-ranked bodhisattvas of different systems can work together to contain the first-rank Bodhisattva of Buddhism.

Now that the three bodhisattvas are gathered together, they have no chance of winning.

On the other side, Salun Agu suddenly drew out the whip for driving the sheep, and said with a smile:

"It's good to watch a play, why bother to intervene in the affairs of Dafeng and Buddhism.

"The combination of the three bodhisattvas is not something you can contend with. The leaders will cherish their lives."

He was warning the leaders of the Gu clan who wanted to help.

Several leaders gritted their teeth.

Granny Tiangu glanced at Sarun Agu and said lightly:

"The great wizard said that since the great wizard wants us to watch the show, let's watch it."

The majestic Liuli Bodhisattva frowned suddenly, looking at the head in his hand, it turned into a golden light and dispersed.

And Jin Liandao's body lit up with a soft Buddha light, he was bathed in the Buddha light, and a brand new head grew out of his neck.

"No fruit position!"

Liuli Bodhisattva raised his willow eyebrows, and his voice revealed a rare coldness:

"You killed Arhat, and the supervisor promised that he would only be detained for three years and not take his life."

Taoist Jin Lian smiled and said:

"What does Jianzheng's promise have to do with poor Dao?

"When the country is ruined and the family is dying, what is personal credibility?"

Among Dafeng's extraordinary main force, Asuro and Kouyangzhou will not die due to system reasons.

Zhao Shou has a carving knife and a Confucian crown to protect his life.

Only he was the head of the Dao dignified, and he didn't have any means to protect his life.

Relying on the demise of the heavens backlash to frighten the enemy-killing those with deep blessings will lead to the catastrophe.

The unbearable fruit position of the Arhat is used by Taoist Jinlian to save his life, just in case.

It turned out to be really useful.

On the other side, the Doerrohan who was carrying in Garoshu's hand quickly faded and disappeared almost instantly.

This is just a fake body that should be summoned by the fruit position.

D'Eluohan appeared beside Asura, and right now, only Asura, a vulgar Asura monk, could give D'Eluohan a trace of security.


Guangxian Bodhisattva shook his head disappointedly and sighed:

"Buddha does not treat you badly."

Du'errohan folded his hands together and said lightly:

"As far as this seat is concerned, you are just heretics."

The Liuli Bodhisattva's voice is cold and murderous:

"Why nonsense, it doesn't take much effort to pinch a few ants to death."

Lift your foot, just about to step on it.

Yang Gong said anxiously:

"Go back three hundred feet."

Liuli Bodhisattva paused in the posture of raising his foot, and stepped on it.

The surrounding scenery instantly faded into black and white.

Yang Gong's spells are not useless, but for the practitioner's form, a distance of three hundred feet can be back and forth in an instant.

Outsiders can't even see that she has left.

Shenshu, who was caught in a bitter battle, opened his mouth again, blowing into a breath of energy.

This time, the Buddha didn't let him get what he wanted, and Fudo King Faxiang sealed his hands, blocking the battlefield and letting the air machine hit the space barrier.

The colorless realm re-shrouded Asuro and others.

At this moment, the East lit up a stream of light. When it first appeared, it was still a star hanging in the night sky. The next moment, it descended like a meteor, directly tearing the field of colorless glass.

Sword Qi is full of universe!

"The land gods are here, it's lively now." Salun Agu laughed.



The remains of the ancient gods and demons have shrunk to less than half of their original size.

On the other hand, Xu Qi'an, his image at the moment is a giant with a height of hundreds of feet and swollen muscles.

One by one, twisted lines were printed on his body like tattoos.

The nine-tailed fox closed his eyes, and did not dare to look at the Lingyun lines that made her dizzy.

In her eyes, Xu Qi'an at this moment is a symbol of power, the manifestation of "power".

As you can imagine, the characteristics and concepts of "power" can be found in him.

Xu Qi'an closed his eyes, earnestly feeling the changes in his body.

After grabbing the spiritual accumulation of the ancient gods and demons, he was about to enter the mid-term cultivation base, smoothly piercing the layer of window paper, entering the first-grade mid-term, breaking through the mid-term, and entering the late-stage, which is not over.

The strength continues to skyrocket, and continues to approach Dzogchen.

But it stopped at the last step of becoming a half-step martial god.

Because his spirit is out of balance.

The word balance is the secret of the first-class martial artist, and it is the basic plate.

When he swallowed the spiritual accumulation of ancient gods and demons, and his vitality and blood advanced by leaps and bounds, his primordial spirit was not tempered.

The consequence of imbalance is confusion.

He will stay in the current territory, but loses the possibility of being promoted to the half-step Valkyrie.

There are two ways at the moment. The first is to seal a part of the qi and blood and wait for the soul to rise up in the future before fusion.

The second is to dilute the primordial spirit to blend in the overly powerful essence.

The latter is forcibly promoted, which is equivalent to walking a tightrope, and there is a danger of failure in promotion.

"I suddenly understood the true meaning of Shenshu's words when I refining the gods."

When he died in Yunzhou, he had a conversation with Shenshu in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge. At that time, Shenshu said:

Ordinary warriors practice gods, only to initially explore to the limit, this is inferior. Constantly breaking through the limit in desperate situations, this is the first class.

Xu Qi'an's divine refining achievement is first-class.

Awesome, right? In exchange for life.

Of the nine ranks of Wufu, only the Refining God Realm is the master of the soul.

At this stage, Xu Qi'an had an extremely strong foundation, which was stronger than other warriors.

In other words, his primordial spirit resilience is stronger than other martial arts.

Therefore, he chose the second way, UU reading www.uukanshu.com to dilute the soul into the essence and force promotion.

His primordial spirit was torn into countless pieces and merged with the huge essence. If the former primordial spirit was a complete cloth, now it is a fishing net.

Although the volume has become larger, there are gaps all over.

Once one of the threads is broken, his soul will collapse and become a lunatic with insanity.

Unfortunately, the "line" really began to break, so how easy is it to be promoted to a half-step Martial God?

Xu Qi'an first clearly felt the pain of being torn to the soul, and then his consciousness began to be confused. As the lines collapsed, the confusion intensified.

He began to forget who he was, who he was, and the people around him.

Before long, Xu Qi'an will completely lose herself and become a lunatic with insanity.

At this moment, he heard a shout from afar:

"Xu Yinluo, Xu Yinluo..."

Countless people were shouting, and countless voices turned into the three words "Xu Yinluo".

At the same time, another voice echoed in my mind:

"Three thousand world's highest Buddha, three thousand world's highest Buddha..."

The two shouts made Xu Qi'an initially find himself. He quickly gathered the divergent spirit and repaired the broken thread one by one.


High in the sky, the nine-tailed fox shivered, and its body was wrapped around its eight hairy tails.

She curled up in the air like a weak and poor fox.

A huge wave was set off on the sea, the whole land was shaking, and the sky was intertwined with lightning and thunder and tribulation.

In this scene like the end of the world, Xu Qi'an opened his eyes, and his eyes were as bright as a beam of light, instantly penetrating the cloudy clouds, straight into the sky.

Half-step Valkyrie was born.


PS: Change the typo first and then change it.

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