Dafeng’s Night Squad

Vol 4 Chapter 88: Debut

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The Pearl Queen, who had just returned to the settlement of the ethnic group in Yuren Island, suddenly felt heart palpitations for no reason.

She suddenly turned around and saw the waves surging from the sea, wave after wave on the reef, white foam spurted and made a loud rumbling noise.

The entire sea is turbulent and roaring.

The sky in the extreme distance, dark clouds surging like thick ink, sometimes lit up with thunder.

Such a scene is not surprising on the sea. Storm pearls that are more ferocious than this have been seen, and the sharks have even experienced a tsunami that submerged half of the island.

But unlike ordinary natural disasters, Pearl can clearly perceive a certain kind of fear, a kind of fear that only wants to kneel down.

It is the fear imprinted deep in genes by creatures.

On the beach, the shark tribes who came to welcome the queen's return, one by one crawled on the ground, buried their faces in the sand, trembling.

Arzu Islands.

The lord of the Dragon Island is angry waves, standing on the top floor of the main hall, looking towards the northeast. .

Behind him are the servants and subordinates in the hall, all showing a clear look of fear at this time. This place is very far away from the ancient battlefield, and the impact is not as severe as that of Shark Island.

Although the descendants of the gods and demons on the island felt the fear in their bones, they were not afraid to crawl on the ground.

"This breath is in the northeast, and the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons and the strongest human race are heading to the northeast..."

A thought flashed in the heart of the Dragon Island owner:

"He has entered the ranks of the most powerful gods and demons?"

Thinking of this, he was thinking about establishing a good relationship with the Queen of the Shark in the future, while annoyed that he did not let go of his dignity in time, and he did not agree with the strong human race.


From Leizhou to the south, passing through the southern Xinjiang, the scenery below swept past. Li Miaozhen stepped on the flying sword, while frantically urging Zhenyuan, while delving into the earth book, trying to "talk privately" Xu Qi'an.

In the chaotic space, the light clusters symbolized by the nine fragments of the ground book fall into the four directions, and the light clusters representing No. 3 are dim.

Means lost contact.

Bastard, I've been wandering overseas and lost contact, don't let me find that you are happy on Yuren Island...Li Miaozhen remembered Xu Qi'an's biography and showed off that he had met Yuren overseas, all beautiful Flowery, gentle and moving, especially how is the Queen of Shark!

She only needs to be close to a certain range of Xu Qi'an, and then there can be contact between the books on the ground.

But find the right direction, otherwise it will be a different turn, the more you run, the more you go.

After a while, the endless ocean finally appeared at the end of the line of sight.

She immediately swept to the southeast, and after a quarter of an hour, her spiritual thoughts deposited in the fragments of the ground book, sensed that the ground book fragment No. 3 finally lit up.

Flashing and extinguishing, extremely unstable.

Li Miaozhen refreshed.


Xu Qi'an was happily aware that after the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit were reunited, the fishnet transformed into the soul was completely integrated into the essence of flesh and blood, and it became tougher and more unshakable than before.

The biggest change is that now he can have his own thoughts in every part of his body.

Thinking about problems no longer requires the mind, it can also be hands and feet, or the head underneath.

Every part of the body has a part of the soul, just like the gods at the beginning, even if they are divided, the soul will be taken away.

The first-rank martial artist also has this characteristic, but the primordial spirit in the residual limb does not have the ability to think independently.

In addition, the improvement in physical strength and vitality is terrifying, and now he can beat his past self with one punch (first grade martial artist).

In addition to the all-round increase in attributes, what makes Xu Qi'an most concerned about in the Half-Step Martial God Realm is the changes at the micro level-the cells that make up the flesh have undergone mutation.

Xu Qi'an looked inside and found that there were more twisted lines like tadpoles in the cells.

They exist in the nucleus, as if they are something inherent in genes.

Every cell has a twisted pattern like a tadpole. They look similar, but they are different.

If you combine them, it's like... a formation?

Xu Qi'an was immersed in the scary lines and tried to analyze them, only to gain one thing in the end:

Immortal characteristics!

These formations have immortal characteristics.

Unlike the Transcendent Realm Wufu, the latter's immortality characteristics are derived from the huge and exuberant vitality, which can easily realize the regeneration of flesh and blood.

The immortal nature of the Half-Step Warrior is difficult to destroy.

There is an essential difference between the two.

In addition to the above, what makes Xu Qi'an most delighted is that he controls part of the spiritual accumulation of the ancient gods and demons. Once activated, his strength will be greatly increased.

For pure bravery, I am afraid that Shenshu is no longer his opponent.

Coupled with the increase in strength Gu blood sacrifice technique, my power has reached the ceiling of this world....... Ending his inner vision and opening his eyes, he saw the nine-tailed fox hiding in the distance cautiously, watching he.

The round and big eyes showed a touch of timidity and a touch of excitement.

She witnessed the birth of a half-step martial arts god.

There is no need to doubt, just the terrifying power just now is not inferior.


After Xu Qian's breath was reduced, the nine-tailed fox breathed a sigh of relief and flew over with the fluffy snow-white fox tail.

"Compared to the gods, the spiritual aura on you has brought me a great sense of oppression."

The nine-tailed fox forced his respect, and found a reason for his shivering just now:

"The descendants of gods and demons are more sensitive and fearful of powerful gods and demons. Well, how do you feel?"

"It's okay to hit your dad."

Xu Qi'an smiled.

The nine-tailed fox narrowed his eyes and urged:

"You go, you go!"

Xu Qi'an briefly told her about her own state, focusing on the "textures" imprinted in her genes, and said:

"What do you think."

The nine-tailed fox looked at him, with surprise gleaming in his big narrow and charming eyes:

"You have become a god?"

What she meant was that this situation only appeared in the gods and demons and their descendants.

Similar to what I thought, I have gradually become "demonized"? Damn it, then can I have a baby.........Thinking of this, Xu Qi'an felt a little flustered.

Every day I arrange flowers and make jade, my stomach just doesn't respond.

Floating fragrance is not up to it.

After two months of marriage in Lin'an, nothing happened.

It won’t be my problem, right...Well, gods and demons can also multiply their offspring, but it’s really not possible. Try to find a descendant of gods and demons... He takes a look at it. He looked at the nine-tailed fox.

"What to look at."

The fox frowned.

The eyes of the smelly man made her uncomfortable.

One child of nine treasures, father is a half-step martial arts... Xu Qi'an uncontrollably appeared in the mind of a book title, and said:

"If this is a spiritual accumulation, then it symbolizes "immortality." Is this situation unique to the half-step Martial God, or will other super products of other systems also undergo such changes?"

The nine-tailed fox shook his head:


"Super products are different from gods and demons, so they can't directly replace the heavens like gods and demons. They need to grab luck and be recognized.

"This road was only found out after Dao Zun died three times.

"In addition, Jianzheng once said that Wufu can't replace the way of heaven, so demonization won't make sense.

"Your situation is not demonized by gods. I think it may be the ultimate secret of the martial arts system. It is about the **** of war."

Her analysis was justified and well-founded, similar to what Xu Qi'an thought.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a "knock" on his head.

Huh, the members of the World Club have also gone to sea? Xu Qi'an frowned slightly, his Adam's apple rolled, and spit out fragments of the ground book.

[2: Xu Ning Banquet Xu Ning Banquet Xu Ning Banquet...]

Li Miaozhen's voice went crazy into his mind.

[Three: Miaozhen, why are you going to sea? 】

His current distance is extremely far away from the mainland of Kyushu, and he has already escaped the signal radiation range of the fragments of the earth book.

Receiving Xu Qi'an's reply, Li Miaozhen was relieved, and preached in a tone of "devil how did you come, where did you die":

[2: Where did you go? Having been with a demon girl overseas made you forget your last name? You die for the old lady, and the old lady struck you with a sword. 】

[Three: There is something to say. 】

Xu Yinluo is not afraid of women either.

[2: The Buddha has attacked Kyushu. 】

Let Xu Qi'an's pupils shrink slightly.

Li Miaozhen told Xu Qi'an what happened very quickly, saying:

[2: You can't imagine how weird the Buddha is. He not only merged into the city-state of mountains and rivers, but also planned to swallow Leizhou. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. 】

After Li Miaozhen grumbled, he asked with a hint of luck:

[Two: Have you been promoted to Half-Step Warriors? 】

[Three: Hmm! 】

[2: It's okay, half-step Martial God is not overnight, the coming day will be long, you come back first, Dafeng needs a first-class martial artist...]

She spoke more and more lightly, and gradually lost her voice.

After a while:

[Really, it's done? ! 】

[Three: Explain later, I will come back immediately. 】

Xu Qi'an first took out a set of robes from the fragments of the book from the ground. After putting it on, he pressed the shoulders of the nine-tailed fox to light up the "eyeball" on his left wrist and directly spaced away.


Between the sea and the sky, Li Miaozhen stepped on the flying sword, holding the fragments of the ground book in his green jade hand, and slowly putting a heart back into his stomach.

All the anxiety, fear, and all kinds of negative emotions disappeared all at once.

He really succeeded, becoming one of the few half-step martial arts gods throughout the ages.

Step into the ranks of the strongest under the super product.

Become a horrible figure like the gods.

After the negative emotions disappeared, Li Miaozhen's heart was filled with time-traveling melancholy, sorrow and emotion.

Knowing you for three years is like three thousand springs and autumns.

"You really are there!"

She murmured, held the hand of the fragment of the ground book, and waved it vigorously.

Well, Xu Ningyan will not be too far away. He must return to Jiuzhou and must pass through Southern Xinjiang first. I am waiting here... Li Miaozhen collected the fragments of the ground book and sat cross-legged on the spine of the sword. .



Asuro bowed slightly, hearing his own heavy gasp, his right arm shrugged weakly, and the left half of his cheek was broken.

The jet black body was badly damaged.

Headed by him, behind him are Daoist Jin Lian and Du'er Luohan, then Yang Gong and Sun Xuanji.

Chu Yuanzhen and Hengyuan temporarily retreated due to their injuries.

Fighting against this group of extraordinary is the Buddhism's most powerful Kaluo tree.

As for Luo Yuheng, one person blocked the two Bodhisattvas of Buddhism.

This is not to say that her cultivation has been able to crush two powerhouses of the same level, but the non-invasion characteristics of land immortals, restraining two Bodhisattvas who are good at fighting and controlling.

Especially Guangxian Bodhisattva's "Great Reincarnation Dharma" and "Great Compassionate Dharma" are almost useless.


The sound of space collapse continued, and the colorless glass barrier was like a sea tide, rushing and spreading again and again, but when it touched the golden light of Luo Yuheng's body, it collapsed inch by inch, like a broken mirror.

In this process, Liuli Bodhisattva's figure kept flashing and disappearing, wandering around Luo Yuheng.

Her goal is very clear. She intends to physically cut off the female Taoist leader, the former Dafeng Guoshi.

In close combat, Liuli Bodhisattva is far from the opponent of the Taoist leader who is known for his killing power, but the world's magic is fast and unbreakable. As long as you seize the opportunity, it is not difficult to kill the flesh of the land immortal in the same realm.

Not all systems are like Takeo.

Although Luo Yuheng's speed is not as fast as the colored glaze that possesses the form of the practitioner, the combination of the "earth phase" and the "wind phase" of the four dharmakayas made her cope with ease.

It can also distract and use swordsmanship to target Guangxian Bodhisattva and Kaluoshu.

The former sits cross-legged and fights flying swords with Zen skills, while the latter just finds the land gods annoying.

"After the dispute between heaven and man, Luo Yuheng's cultivation base rose sharply. Give her a few more years and she can enter the middle stage of the first grade. The future generations are terrifying."

Salon Agu said with emotion.

However, Ilbu was thinking hard about how to deal with the land gods of the Daomen, and the characteristic of inviolability was too difficult to deal with.

Most of the methods of the wizarding system are restrained.

But in the next second, he stopped thinking about it, because this was not what he should think about.

There is a huge gap between the third product and the first product.

Land gods can kill the third-rank Linghui master with one finger.

"She blocked the two Bodhisattvas alone, which is really terrifying." Wuda Pagoda commented.

The Gu clan leaders on the other side eased their tension.

Their situation is extremely embarrassing.

If Dafeng was defeated like a mountain, they would have to be forced out of the field, and this level of battle, the third grade really fell and fell.

They are willing to see this relatively balanced situation at the moment.

Salon Agu squeezed the hand that drove the goat whip, exerted a slight force, and said:

"Neither Guangxian nor Liuli did their utmost, although it is because the law is restrained by the land gods, but their strength is definitely not limited to this."

Ilbu was stunned and said:

"The Great Wizard means..."

Saruagu laughed and said:

"They are waiting for an opportunity."

When the voice fell, the golden sun finally exploded.

The Buddha's light that was several times dazzling than the original exploded, and the shock wave swept across dozens of miles, directly engulfing Luo Yuheng, Asulo and others.

With its collapse, the power of the reincarnation form of the Great Sun swept across all directions.

Upon seeing this, the corners of Salon Agu’s mouth widened.

The opportunity is here.

The inky black form of the gods melted in the light of the Buddha, revealing his true body. His upper body was already skeletonized and burned into a red skeleton.

Even the half-step Valkyrie's immortal characteristics can't be unscathed.

Of course, except for physical weakness and a declining breath, the gods did not suffer fatal injuries.

Da Fengfang's extraordinary powerhouse responded quickly, and everyone approached Yang Gong tacitly.

Yang Gong flicked the Confucian crown, agitating the clear light to envelop everyone:

"Go back three hundred feet."

The method of utterance becomes invalid.

Sun Xuanji raised his foot, and the teleportation array spread rapidly, trying to cover everyone, but before it could spread in the future, he quickly collapsed and was purified by the Buddha's light.

All the spells will be purified wherever the Buddha's light shines on the Great Sunsara.

Luo Yuheng's non-invasion characteristics failed to play a role under the power of the super-grade level.

Guangxian Bodhisattva immediately left the state of Zen, the great reincarnation "kaka" turned, the word "person" engraved in the Buddhist inscriptions lighted up, the great compassion and compassion raised his eyes, and "looked" towards the great devotion and superpower.

The Jialuoshu Bodhisattva rushed toward Asura and others like a hungry wolf pounced on the sheep.

It is Liuli Bodhisattva who is faster than them. She took advantage of the gap between the great sun reincarnation method to suppress the supernatural powers, and Yu Du'e stood silently behind her, holding a magic sealing nail between her fingertips, and patted him on the back of the head.

As Buddhists, Du'e and Asura will not be purified by the light of Buddha. As soon as the back of the two of them burst into the brilliant colorful light wheel, the scenery around them lost their color.

Their movements, thoughts, including the killing of thieves, fell into a state of sluggishness.

The Liuli Bodhisattva patted lightly, and with a puff, the sealing magic nail pierced the celestial cover of the progressing Errohan, and the seal was initially completed.

Then, Liuli Bodhisattva grabbed Du'e's shoulder and disappeared.

Oops... The face of the extraordinary powerhouse who is generous and powerful changed drastically.

The luck of Du'e is very important, his identity is even more important, and his existence determines whether Mahayana Buddhism can continue in the Central Plains.

He is the bond between the Supreme Buddha Xu Qi'an and Mahayana Buddhists.

It is very difficult to manage Mahayana Buddhism only by Xu Qi'an who is not familiar with Buddhism, and once Mahayana Buddhism weakens, luck will flow back to Buddhism.

At this time, the old world like Taoist Jin Lian also felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Luo Yuheng's willow eyebrows were upside down, but she was helpless. She was alone and could not save her.

The next moment, the glazed bodhisattva fluttering in white appeared in a no-man's land covered by dark red flesh and blood. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

She was very sensible and did not choose the vicinity of the Buddha's "incarnation" because it was too close to the gods.

"Due, it is an honor for you to be one with the Buddha!"

Liuli regretfully said:

"You should be like us, eternal and immortal, becoming one of the spokespersons of the Buddha."

Du'e lowered his head and glanced under him, his flesh and blood were dancing like tentacles, and he couldn't wait to swallow him.

"It's not my way!"

He put his hands together and calmly faced his end.

Liuli didn't say much any more, and let go of her hand and threw him down.

The dark red flesh and blood soared into the sky, wrapping and swallowing Du'er.

"Leizhou can't keep it." Salun Agu shook his head and frowned.

Jian Zheng really doesn't have a hole card?

He glanced at the leaders of the Gu clan and found that their faces were ugly, except that the face of Granny Tian Gu was as usual.

"What did you see?" the great wizard asked.

"The secret is not to be revealed."

Granny Tiangu smiled and said.

Salon Agu thoughtfully.

The mother-in-law is not in a hurry, what she sees is a future beneficial to Dae Bong? Chunyan's eyes lit up, and the anxiety in her heart calmed down a lot.

Does Da Bong have other players? What will it be...Gu clan leaders have speculated.

At this time, the part of the flesh and blood that had swallowed Du'e suddenly became frantic and twisted, like indigestion.

Then, after hearing a loud "bang", the flesh and blood exploded like a cannonball thrown into the mud, and silt splashed everywhere.

The sudden change made everyone stunned. Looking at it, Du'e appeared in the vision of the extraordinary powerhouses intact, and there was an extra person beside him.

The man wore an indigo-colored robe, and his black hair was scattered casually.

The facial features are handsome and the figure is long.

Dafeng silver gong Xu Qi'an.

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