Zong Yan was in a complicated mood.

A make-up lesson… What the hell was a make-up lesson? It was a death sentence, right?

“I get a lot of homework. Every day I’m busy studying, uniting with my teachers and loving my classmates. I do homework till midnight every night. Time is really tight. I think it’s better if we don’t.”

Zong Yan politely declined.

“Time?” Yog-Sothoth smiled. “If I so wish it, time will always obey me.”

The implication was simple. During their tutoring sessions, time would be suspended. There would be absolutely no disruption to Zong Yan’s sleep.

Zong Yan: … Fck

He actually forgot the other party was the master of time and space. Thanks to time manipulation, Zong Yan had such a comfortable sleep schedule these days that he’d somehow managed to forget this simple fact.

“I’m stupid. My brain is weak. It’s impossible to teach me anything, especially physics,” the black-haired teen said sincerely. “I really don’t want to anger the noble Lord of the Gate, so let’s just forget about it.”

It would be best if Yog-Sothoth never found out Zong Yan was a wooden-headed dummy who couldn’t learn physics no matter what he tried. When the evil god discovered this fact it would likely fill him with rage. Next thing you know, Zong Yan’s brain would get exploded, and the story would end there.

“With your current grades you won’t get into Tsinghua.”

Zong Yan: So blunt, so sad, my heart aches so much, damn evil god!

“Of course… the most important thing of all…” As the Lord of the Gate looked at him, his golden eyes narrowed, hinting at a hidden world, yet brimming with imminent danger. “I am your advisor, and this is my responsibility.

“Do you know what the physics teacher said about your grades at the parent-teacher conference?”

The evil god’s narrowed eyes squinted further. “Although I disdain to imitate the emotions of lower creatures, your lack of respect for knowledge displeases me.”

Zong Yan: …

He’d been focused on his conversation with Ye JingMing and hadn’t paid attention to the situation in the classroom.

But it was true—although Zong Yan’s performance in physics was extremely bad, he didn’t lose points in other subjects. When the senior three teaching team held a meeting to analyze the results of each class, they specifically noted the only student who got a perfect score in math outside the competition class, and ended up analyzing Zong Yan’s results.

And so the teaching director of senior three exclaimed, Oh! This is a good seedling!

For most boys in the science track, if they lost points, it was in Chinese and English. Especially English—a lot of boys just couldn’t learn it. But this kid Zong Yan was the opposite. In a 150-point English test he actually managed to get above 140 every time.

English had always been a strong point of Qingyang High School. The school had several branches: kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, senior high school, and international high school. Foreign language education began in kindergarten. In high school, the English teachers weren’t merely foreigners or mixed race, they also taught less common foreign languages on the side. A score of more than 140 from a perfect score of 150 was so common in Qingyang High School that it made Zong Yan’s English score less of a surprise.

“Yes, Zong Yan’s language talent is outstanding. He passed several foreign language exams in his freshman year and was specially excused from taking additional second language classes,” the Spanish teacher interjected during the analysis.

In contrast, Zong Yan’s Chinese score was also decent. He hovered around 110 points every time, which was very standard.

Mathematics was the only thing that stood out. In the midterm exam he got the only perfect score in his grade. At other times, no matter how difficult the test, he got more than 145 points every time. His math performance was solid.

As for biology and chemistry in the comprehensive science exam, biology was the simplest subject, and he was almost infinitely close to full marks.

In chemistry he occasionally made a mistake on a big question, but the chemistry teacher said there were several advanced topics they hadn’t reviewed yet. After another round of review, he was confident he could pull up Zong Yan’s chemistry score to about 95.

Every year, Qingyang High School did two rounds of review before the first city-wide mock exam. Right now, after the midterm, the first round was almost over. The first mock exam in Jiangzhou was usually scheduled at the end of December. But Qingyang High School had its own system which used the senior teachers’ own self-generated questions. So Qingyang High School didn’t participate in the first mock exam. It was equivalent to their midterm, and they weren’t going to waste two days of instruction to participate.

“Then as long as this child gets his physics up, it’s entirely possible that he could be a ‘top 1’ for Tsinghua and Beijing University!” The head teacher of the subject was so surprised he slapped the table.

The senior year teachers generally liked to focus on the top dozen or so young people. Students like Zong Yan were usually considered to be science talents only.

“Old Liu, do more work on this child and see if you can bring up his score.” The head teacher of the subject said with all earnestness, “One more admission to Tsinghua and our school will look outstanding when we publish the list. And there’s bound to be recognition from above.”

Therefore the physics teacher made up his mind to talk to Zong Yan’s parents, and what followed was the previously-mentioned embarrassing scene.

Zong Yan imagined the Lord of the Gate standing before the physics teacher expressionlessly listening to the news that Zong Yan had only scored 35 points in physics. And that was the last straw that crushed him to death.

It didn’t take long for Zong Yan to regret that he’d agreed to make-up lessons.

Did Yog-Sothoth know how to teach people?

No. He was an evil god. An evil god who didn’t have a teaching license.

Zong Yan looked at the pile of books the other party threw at him and fell into contemplation.

“What kind of language is this?”

He casually picked up the nearest volume from the floor and blinked as he looked at the dense, tadpole-like words.

Zong Yan had drawn numerous language ability persona cards over the years. To summarize, he could probably read most of the languages that had ever existed in human history. He was unquestionably a master when it came to linguistics, and human languages were interconnected. From ancient times to the present, the various families of human languages had evolved and developed together. But Zong Yan couldn’t make out a single word of the book in front of him.

“This is the script of the Great Race of Yith.”

Yog-Sothoth was seated in mid-air, floating, and his gray hair and white robe were draped a bit strangely. With his arms crossed and his eyes that penetrated everything, he was the picture of an ancient sage.

“According to the usual correspondence of scientific and technological levels, this species is about a dozen epochs ahead of humankind.”

Zong Yan: “…?”

He had no idea what that had to do with his physics tutoring.

“If you can read this book to the end and imprint its knowledge in your mind, human physics will not be a problem for you.” The evil god displayed a rare bit of mentorship. “This is a textbook of the Great Race of Yith.”

A single textbook from a different species encompassed the entire physics knowledge of humankind, not to mention a single exam. Did such an amazing thing exist?

But the name of this race was kind of chuunibyou. It sounded like someone clearing their throat.


Zong Yan didn’t automatically believe everything Yog said, but he had to admit he felt excited.

The black-haired teen reflexively licked his lips. “I can’t read it.”

It seemed the other party had expected him to say that. The gray-haired, golden-eyed evil god lifted the corners of his mouth. “Don’t you have your own way?”

Damn, that sentence contained a lot of information.

Zong Yan automatically thought of his unique card drawing ability. He took a few steps back, staring in shock at the master of time and space. “Y-y-y-y-you—”

No wonder Zong Yan had such a reaction. Until now, he thought he was the only one who knew he had super powers.

How stupid.

Could it be this human still hadn’t engraved the idea “the omniscient and omnipotent Lord is omniscient” into his bones and blood?

The gray-haired sage didn’t bother to answer the question. Instead he ducked his head. Next, Zong Yan watched in horror as his head separated from his neck and slid into nothingness.

Incidentally, the surface of the incision was clean and neat, without any traces of blood or flesh, just like a white sheet of paper.

It was a horror movie in broad daylight.

Zong Yan accepted it pretty well. Yog-Sothoth had been away for a long time, leaving Zong Yan to live under the same roof as countless incarnations of Nyarlathotep.

What did that mean? It meant that when Zong Yan was lying in bed, his blanket might suddenly turn into a mysterious black substance. Occasionally when he opened the refrigerator, he’d find a fresh and clean human brain on a plate. When he went downstairs to get a glass of water, he might encounter a beautiful girl with a fan in her hand. Yes, that was the Bloated Woman, an avatar of Nyarla, the same Ada who’d infiltrated Zong Yan’s investigation team. Later Zong Yan learned that the fan was part of her body. If the fan was lowered, it would reveal a huge and bloated tentacle that fed on human brains.

Sometimes he’d see an ancient Egyptian sphinx in the backyard and a pharaoh wearing an ornate robe sitting on the couch with a giant shantak bird lying at his feet. To be honest, Zong Yan didn’t know why the house didn’t burst. Maybe the Lord of Time and Space had given the house a space expansion spell like in Harry Potter. It was surprising the neighbors didn’t sue them for causing a disturbance, so lucky, so fortunate.

Those were just the small incidents. Occasionally, when Zong Yan was sitting in the bathtub, his surroundings would suddenly change from a bright and spacious bathroom to a cramped and dark abandoned public toilet. The tub transformed into a pool made of cast iron, the bath water filled with rainbow bubbles turned into gelatinous blood, and the small intestine of an unknown creature dangled from the light fixture. It was an unbelievably nasty scene.

“Nyarlathotep! I’m taking a bath!!”

Zong Yan was so scared he activated the Night Watchman in the tub. A second later, a dense cloud of ghosts filled his sight.

“Oh, ah, sorry, I actually brought the Father God here too.”

The Haunter of the Dark flew over in a hurry. In the living room, the Black Pharaoh put down the game controller. The next second, Zong Yan was released from Nyarlathotep’s space again.

… The Night Watchman vowed that he’d never been so embarrassed before. The harbinger bird was so disgusted he disconnected from the mental link.

The only good thing was that the persona automatically restored itself. The next time he used the card, it would be a brand new Night Watchman.

But now it seemed his little secret had been discovered long ago.

Zong Yan hardened his heart. “I don’t think I can draw the language card of a specific species that accurately.”

The floating, partial head rotated to ‘look’ at Zong Yan.

Although Zong Yan clearly understood the situation, the sight still left him speechless.

The head slowly floated back to its master’s neck.

A second later, the back of the dark-haired teen’s hands were covered by fingers as cold as ice.

TL Notes:

My schedule is kind of weird this week, sorry. Chapter updates may come an hour or two later than normal (✿◕ ₒ ◕)

uniting with my teachers and loving my classmates – 团结师长友爱同学 – similar to the idiom 尊敬师长团结同学, “respect teachers, unite with classmates” – study seriously instead of fooling around

sounded like someone clearing their throat – from 一听就老二刺猿了 – Uh… this might be wordplay. If I come up with something better I’ll update it. In Mandarin, “Yith” is “Yīsī”

Glossary of world terms—new in this chapter:

shantak – 夏塔克 – Flying bird-like creatures, larger than an elephant in size, with a head resembling a horse

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