His hand was freezing cold, as cold as the ice and snow that accumulated year-round in the North and South Pole. It had no warmth whatsoever.

To make things even worse, not only was it cold, it felt completely different from the normal touch of human skin!!!

Zong Yan reflexively cringed away.

Compared to Nyarlathotep, who was very familiar with human beings, it was possible that Yog-Sothoth’s arrogance dictated that even if he was an all-knowing, all-powerful god, he wouldn’t waste time trying to understand those creatures known as “humans”.

It was possible that his body only resembled a “normal” human on the outside. The rest was completely unknown.

After all, the Lord of Time and Space would never allow an ant to touch him.


Zong Yan’s reaction was intense. Just now the other party had been floating right in front of him, but an instant later he’d transposed himself behind Zong Yan. It was enough to frighten anyone. Not to mention Zong Yan had no idea what the guy wanted to do.

Yog-Sothoth felt somewhat puzzled, so he invested a little of his intellect into it.

It was then that the gray-haired evil god noticed the warmth of the black-haired teen’s hand.

It was already early November. Since a soft human being was living in the villa, the central air was already set for heating.

The location of the lesson was Zong Yan’s bedroom. Because Zong Yan’s physique was the type that tended to feel cold, he set the temperature pretty high, so much so that in winter, he only needed to wear a pair of shorts in bed and cover himself with a quilt.

Naturally, the teen’s slender hand was as warm as a small oven.


This was a word that didn’t hold much meaning for evil gods.

Yog-Sothoth located the concept of “temperature” within his vast perspective, and then he understood.

At the same time, the omniscient and omnipotent Lord found it a little curious.

Evil gods didn’t have much invested in the concept of “temperature”. Of course, they could simulate it if they needed to, but how many evil gods would bother? The idea of wanting to heat yourself up like a star was rather silly.

However, the evil god unexpectedly found that the warmth of this tiny human body didn’t annoy him.

Why? Was it because the other party was a strand of consciousness of the Father God?

Yog-Sothoth could effortlessly maintain multiple simultaneous tracks of thought. At the same moment, he firmly clasped the fingers of the black-haired youth.

If there were someone else in the room, they would have seen the white-robed evil god floating in the air, clasping a casually-dressed young man in his arms, a pair of overlapping hands and… a floating head that still wasn’t completely attached to a neck.

This position made Zong Yan a bit uncomfortable. He wasn’t used to having physical contact with anyone, let alone an evil god.

Zong Yan opened his mouth to say something. Suddenly, the hand that was holding the back of his own exerted a little force. This caused his fingertips to tense in the air, slowly opening a brilliant gap in space.

Zong Yan: ! ! !

He froze.

For years, he was the only one who could access the magical card drawing space. Zong Yan had made attempts, both openly and secretly, but no one else could see the spatial rifts, much less open one.

He felt the cold body of the evil god behind him, the hand without any warmth at all clasping the back of his own, and then it led his fingers into the gap in space, precisely… clutching a card.

While Zong Yan stared in shock, the two of them drew out the card.

For a moment, Zong Yan felt a little complicated. He turned his head and looked sideways at the gray-haired evil god, feeling a little judgmental.

Now Zong Yan understood why that guy had wanted to hold his hand. It turned out he wanted to draw the specific language ability persona card for the Great Race of Yith.

So it was possible for an evil god to draw a card on his behalf?

Zong Yan didn’t quite believe it. He was a sensible young man who’d grown up under the banner of the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars and the Five-Starred Red Flag. How could his hand be worse than an evil god who belonged to the anti-human chaotic evil league?

When he looked at the card he was holding, Zong Yan’s eyes immediately glazed over.


On the face of the glittering card was a golden-haired man outlined against the sky. His face was handsome and dazzling, so radiant and glorious it was difficult to look directly at him. He had a head of strikingly long hair the color of gold scattered behind him, and he was clad in a luxurious white and gold robe. Every stitch was embroidered with sunlight. Gilt-colored sun earrings dangled from his ears.

The blond man held a seven-stringed lyre in his hand. The scorching sun blazed beneath his feet, like he was the focus of all the light around him.

When Zong Yan saw that the face on the card was completely different from his own, he felt a hunch.

Sure enough, at the bottom of the card was a description written in small characters: The Sun God—Apollo.

Zong Yan drew a sharp breath.

Without question this was an S-rank daily disposable persona card, which should put it at the same level as Yun Zhong Jun.

And when Zong Yan held this card in his palm he sensed its use conditions.

【—In a place without sunshine, you are the light】

【When there is no light, the SAN value consumed by this card is halved】

This rule overlapped to some extent with the Night Watchman.

But this was an ancient god persona card!!!

There was only one other card in Zong Yan’s hand that let him explode into an entirely other person, Yun Zhong Jun, and it had taken the accumulated luck of seventeen years for him to get it. But this evil god just took his hand and immediately drew an S-rank card!

What kind of amazing luck was this! No, the golden-eyed shell that Yog-Sothoth was wearing right now was lucky!

Since he started living with evil gods, in case of any unexpected needs, Zong Yan only dared to draw a single card per day. With his atrocious luck, six times out of ten he got waste cards. The others were minor ability cards.

But now he suddenly had another Elder God persona card.

Zong Yan was tempted to run around like a screeching chicken. He suddenly looked back, and his eyes burned as he looked at the gray-haired evil god who was once again comfortably floating in mid-air.

Yog-Sothoth’s head had returned to his body. At the moment he was smiling, gazing at him with eyes that were full of significance.


Zong Yan revealed a rather greedy expression and blinked at him.

The Emperor of Luck! Hug this powerful thigh!!!

“Almighty Master of Time and Space, Eternal Lord of the Primordial Beginning, your glory overwhelms me. Please do it again.”

The black-haired teen excitedly offered his hand. He stared at the gray-haired evil god with sincerity beyond words.

Zong Yan had thrown away all self-restraint.

What’s the use of self-restraint, can you eat it?! It took seventeen years to come up with a single card, but this guy hooked his hand and immediately got another. Was this the power that came with being a big boss? Talk about excessive!

This expression wasn’t bad. But it was a little too dog-like.

Yog-Sothoth observed to himself.

The black-haired teen was staring at him with an eager, hopeful look. His eyes shone as brightly as stars that had not yet been annihilated by time.

The Lord of Time and Space wasn’t certain why, but he suddenly remembered something that happened a few hundred million years ago. On a whim he’d personally visited eleven-dimensional space. 

In the vastness of the universe, the only fixed constant was mass.

As one of the three proto-gods, just how huge was Yog-Sothoth’s body?

The Outer Gods were almost never located within the universe. Even the palace of Azathoth was outside the universe, at the center of time and space. The reason was because the bodies of the Outer Gods were too large. Once the mass of the universe exceeded a certain range, it was likely to collapse entire planes.

The true body of the Lord of Time and Space consisted of billions of brilliant spheres that were constantly splitting and reorganizing.

When he walked through the universe, because of this huge mass, cracks in space abounded.

Enormous black holes formed around him as he went, obliterating the surrounding galaxies into nothing.

Whether they were planets or yellow stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars, or quark stars, the celestial bodies that were so huge to human beings were reduced to nothing after a few moments of the evil god’s tour of the universe. Life that had struggled to be born on a planet over billions of years of evolution ceased to exist in a second.

The light from the last moments of those annihilated stars, the lives that struggled against death, they were somewhat similar to the light in those black eyes.

All equally fragile, all equally beautiful.

Yog thought absently, stretched out his hand again, and repeated the same action as before. He took the black-haired teen into his arms and clasped his fingers tightly.

The evil god rested casually against his shoulder, and his long gray hair fell like a waterfall past Zong Yan’s cheek.

This guy’s hair seemed pretty normal, but it was a bit too smooth. It was like he’d used ten dozen bottles of Rejoice. It wasn’t the same as Zong Yan’s chicken nest hair that he spent ten minutes combing every morning.

Under their fingertips, a fissure appeared in space, blooming into multi-colored light.

A moment later, they easily withdrew a card.

This time they didn’t accidentally draw the wrong card like before. Zong Yan held his breath as he nervously turned over the card. On it, in neat script, was written: the Great Race of Yith language proficiency card.

Zong Yan: What if I’m a little disappointed

He inwardly heaved a sigh and chose to use the card by spending the SAN cost.

A moment later, a stream of words appeared out of nowhere to prompt him.

【Using the “Great Race of Yith” card requires SAN value = 60. Do you want to continue?】

That was comparable to the one-time cost of activating an Elder God card. Zong Yan let out a “tsk”.

Normally when he drew a language ability persona card, even one as difficult as the hieroglyphic holy script of Egypt, it only cost 10 San points. This race cost six times more than that, which was a little scary in itself.

But what else could he do? Learning physics was hard work.

Zong Yan chose to use the card, then picked up the book full of ghostly symbols from the floor.

The evil god loosened his tight grip on Zong Yan’s hand and floated into the air again.

“You can begin,” Yog kindly reminded him.

Zong Yan examined it closer.

The book that was previously covered with mysterious unknown symbols suddenly became clear. The words broke out of the book and turned into a mysterious blue light, which darted straight at the center of his forehead.

Just like when the Monkey King put on the golden headband and Tang Seng recited the spell, countless voices chanted in Zong Yan’s ears, and when he listened closely, all of them were reciting knowledge beyond the current level of humanity.

Pain, the headache was unbearable.

The moment before Zong Yan lost consciousness, he had only one thought.

You really can’t trust a tutor who doesn’t have a license.

TL Notes:

Twenty-four Filial Exemplars – 二十四孝 – A classic text of Confucian filial piety attributed to Guo Jujing, written during the Yuan dynasty (c. 1300) (Wikipedia)

amazing luck – from 欧洲人 – European. Slang that doesn’t really work in English

atrocious luck – from 非洲人 – African. Ditto

hug this powerful thigh – 抱大腿 – Common idiom meaning to hold tight to someone who will bring you benefits by association

Rejoice – 飘柔 – A shampoo brand, one of the first international hair care brands to enter the Chinese market. “For 30 years, Rejoice women have calmly faced pressure, maintained a confident and elegant image, and showed their beautiful selves to the world.” (Baidu)

the Monkey King’s golden headband – a reference to Journey to the West, the 16th-century Chinese classic and the subject of many TV dramas and movies. When Tang Seng recites a certain sutra, the band tightens and causes an unbearable headache

Tang Seng – 唐僧 – “Tang Monk” – The courtesy name of Tan Sanzang (唐三藏), a central character of Journey to the West

Transliterated names, titles, and places—new in this chapter:

the Sun God, the God of the Sun – 太阳神 – Tài Yáng Shén

Apollo – 阿波罗 – Ābōluó

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