Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1002: Xiao Jingye gets more excited the more he thinks about it

   Chapter 1002 Xiao Jingye gets more excited the more he thinks about it

   He has been suppressed by this person for more than ten years. In these ten years, even though the father and the emperor dote on his mother and concubine more, he still never gets any advantage from this person.

   The family is the son of Zhonggong! That alone crushed him.

   Whenever he mentions his identity, he subconsciously feels a little ashamed, of course, he will never admit it.

  Fortunately, the gods have eyes, and the gods can't stand this man's madness, so he brought his own demise. If he hadn't made such a big drama to force the palace to rebel, I'm afraid it would not be easy to defeat him.

   Now, this man is about to die at his own hands

   Xiao Jingye got more excited the more he thought about it.

   "Xiao Jinghuai, you didn't expect such a day, did you? Hahaha, you didn't expect it? In the end, your life is still in the hands of this king! Father, father."

   From then on, the father could never deal with himself again, because there is no one else but himself, there is really no one else!

  The oil was already prepared, Xiao Jingye easily found a barrel of oil in the corner and poured it on the ground. He picked up the fire book and approached with a grin.

  Xiao Jinghuai's body was cold, and there was a huge fear in his heart, and he felt the threat of death again: "Help! Help! Come on! Come on!"

   Even if he has been thrown into the prison of the sect's mansion, even if he is suffering day and night here, he never wants to die.

  It is good to live, why should you die? As long as you live, there is still hope.

   His mother is still there. Even now, the life of the mother is definitely not easy, but he believes that when the mother is outside, she will definitely help him think about it!

  There is nothing that can make it difficult to lose a mother. If I always listened to my mother, I would not have fallen to this point. So now, he does nothing but waits for news from his mother.

  The most important thing is that there are too few fathers and sons! There are too few children, and each one is extremely precious, which means that as long as there is a suitable opportunity in the future, the father may not forgive himself.

   He has always persuaded himself like this, and there is always this little hope in his heart.

   It was with this little hope that he was able to live safely in this ghost place.

  I don't want to, but Xiao Jingye is so vicious! He wants to destroy himself now! kill yourself.

   "Help! Help!"


  Xiao Jinghuai was in panic and despair and shrank into a ball of ants in the prison, but there was no way to escape. Xiao Jingye was even more happy when he saw this, laughing loudly.

   "Good royal brother, let's go! In the next life, we will never see each other again."

  I don't want to, he was just about to leave the prison gate and faced a large group of people with lanterns and torches, including Zongzheng, a member of the Dali Temple, an imperial physician, and a dozen guards and servants.

   Both sides obviously did not expect to meet each other at this time and this place.

  Xiao Jingye came back to his senses first, his face changed greatly, and he ran away.

   "There are assassins, chase, chase!"

   "No, the prison is on fire, come and put out the fire!"

  The whole land is in chaos.

   Xiao Jingye's little kung fu, how far can he escape?

   (end of this chapter)

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