Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1003: Who knows when this day will change

   Chapter 1003 On this day, who knows when it will change?

   Soon, a sharp arrow came through the air and stabbed Xiao Jingye in front of the door. Xiao Jingye was in a hurry and lost his head and couldn't avoid it.

   and sent to meet him, either dead or wounded, but none of them got any benefit.

The prison of the Zongren Mansion is now holding a deposed prince. Even if he is deposed, his identity and blood are there. Unless the emperor has a decree to end him, he must ensure that he lives in the prison well. .

  This day, who knows when it will change?

   What if the emperor wants to meet someone and can't hand it over?

   In case he still has dark forces outside, when will the prison robbery save the people?

   Then, those who are in charge of managing the prisons of the Zongren Mansion can only pay with their heads.

   Therefore, the defensive power here is quite strong.

   Xiao Jingye couldn't escape, which was not surprising at all.

   "What a bold thief! Tear his face towel away!" Zong Zheng sneered, gritted his teeth, and kicked him in the leg.

   It was unfortunate, too. In the middle of the night, the guards rushed to Zongzheng's place in a panic and reported that it was the man in the prison who was pale and sweating while covering his stomach and screaming. He didn't know what was wrong.

  Zongzheng can't be startled when he hears it? If it were to die, it would be troublesome.

   So he hurriedly called the imperial physician, and invited people from the Dali Temple side, along with a dozen guards, and two or three of his own minor officials who came here in a hurry.

   This kind of thing, of course, requires the presence of multiple witnesses.

  I don't want to, I haven't entered yet, I encountered assassins attacking at night, dared to set fire, and there were people who responded!

   is simply outrageous!

   Xiao Jingye groaned in pain.

   He was in pain, panic and fear, struggling desperately to resist!

   His face cannot be seen, if she is seen, she will be finished.

  Unfortunately, at this moment, people are the sword and I am the fish. His wishes are not important, and that little struggle has no real effect except for another kick.

  When the black face towel was undone, and under the swaying bright firelight, everyone looked at them in unison, and they were all a little stunned: This person, why does this person look so familiar?

   "The thief deserves it! Finally caught!" A small official spat softly, glanced at the thief who was blinded by a sharp arrow in one eye and was bleeding, and felt very happy.

   At this time, someone finally recognized who this was, "Ah! This, this, this—isn't this His Royal Highness King Qi? It's His Royal Highness King Qi!"

   "Ah? His Royal Highness King Qi! It's His Royal Highness King Qi."

   "Really, His Royal Highness King Qi!"

   "My God, this—"

  Everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded!

How could this be? How could this be? Who is not good, why is it His Royal Highness King Qi?

   Yes, why didn't you think of it before. In this world, who else would want Xiao Jinghuai's life? The first is His Royal Highness King Qi.

   Yes, the emperor sent the noble concubine into the cold palace, and the emperor and His Royal Highness Qi did not know what happened between the father and son, so that His Highness clearly rescued him in Beiyuan Palace, but the emperor did not reward him.

   Could it be that Xiao Jinghuai forced the palace to rebel? And His Royal Highness King Qi was eager to kill him, as long as he was killed, he would be the only prince of the emperor.

  This—but what does this have to do with me? Why is it so unfortunate? How did you get on with this?

   (end of this chapter)

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