Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1004: he really hates it

   Chapter 1004 He really hates it

   "Quickly, treat your highness quickly!" Zongzheng almost wanted to hit the wall with regret, and hurriedly ordered someone to quickly heal Xiao Jingye.

  The imperial physician followed, and he didn't give Xiao Jinghuai a diagnosis, so he didn't waste it.

   Xiao Jingye's one eye lifted his eyelids and stared gloomily at Zong Zheng.

  Zongzheng was taken aback and stepped back subconsciously.

   "Asshole! Asshole! This king killed you, killed you!" Xiao Jingye roared towards Zongzheng, strangled him by the neck, and roared and scolded him with a ferocious face.

   He really hates it!

  How could this happen, how could this happen? Now one of his eyes is ruined, he is a cripple, and this matter has been exposed, he is finished.

   So many people have seen it, and there is such a big battle tonight, I can't hide it.

  Everyone will know that Xiao Jinghuai was killed by him.

   And, he is already disabled!

   A murderer and maimed, how can he be a prince?

   Even if the father and the emperor agreed, the courtiers and clan would never agree.

  The people would not agree.

   And now, with his ruined reputation, who else can he fight?

   What about the royal father? How can he control the court when he is weakened like that?

  How much is it worth his words?

   Besides, he doesn't necessarily want to protect himself, right?

   Is he satisfied? Are you finally satisfied? He turned Xiao Jinghuai back and drove himself crazy!

   Xiao Jingye burst into laughter!

   Everyone screamed and hurriedly stepped forward to rescue Zongzheng, but Xiao Jingye pushed him hard, staggered backwards, turned around and ran.

  Zongzheng coughed up tears, his throat was sore and hot, but when he saw Xiao Jingye fleeing in a hurry, he was about to faint: "Catch, catch him! Quickly catch him!"

   The guards hurriedly responded and chased after him.

   Yes, that is His Royal Highness King Qi.

   Although he has done such a thing, it is hard to say whether His Royal Highness King Qi can continue to do it, but this is all the emperor should worry about, not their business.

   All they had to do was bring him to the emperor.

   If he was able to escape like this, would that be okay? That's all for everyone, isn't it.

   "Go away! Go away for this king!" Xiao Jingye glared at everyone and roared angrily.

  The guards saw him go mad and his eyes were red. It was obviously not normal. They didn't dare to force him too tightly, but it was obviously impossible to let him go.

   Someone carefully persuaded: "My lord, just follow me and go back. Go to the emperor to say anything. The lord is the prince, and the emperor will listen to the prince's explanation if he wants to come!"

   "Yes, my lord, what if you escaped today? Can you still see the emperor?"

  Everyone is hard-hearted.

  However, at this time, Xiao Jingye, the word "Emperor" was the most unheard of. He fell into such a situation today, all thanks to the emperor!

   "Go away! Go away for this king!"

   Xiao Jingye roared frantically and stumbled away.

   When the guards saw this, it was impossible to talk about it, so they had to use force.

  The big guys kept silent, winked at each other and whistled, and they all rushed forward to take Xiao Jingye down in one fell swoop.

  I don't want to, at this moment, countless arrow feathers were shot from nowhere, and they came towards everyone with a fierce howl!

  Everyone turned pale with fright, panicked, embarrassed and dodged. There was the scream of an arrow that was caught off guard and unavoidable. In the dark night, it was even more chaotic. How could anyone notice Xiao Jingye?

   (end of this chapter)

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