Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1005: Anyone can do it, he can't do it

   Chapter 1005 Anyone can do it, he absolutely cannot

   When everyone came back to their senses, Xiao Jingye was long gone!

  Zongzheng almost didn't faint when he got the news!

   And in that prison, the fire was fierce, it was impossible to go in and save people, and it was not so easy to put out the fire! Looking at the battle, Xiao Jinghuai was afraid that he was dead!

  Zongzheng is really thinking this time, he might as well faint! I fainted for a hundred.

   However, anyone can do it, but he absolutely cannot.

   As soon as it was dawn, he hurriedly entered the palace to report.

  In the Qianqing Palace, Emperor Tianyao was slowly getting up and changing his clothes, preparing to go to court.

  Because of my body, the time to go to court is already more than half an hour later than before.

  Emperor Tianyao never issued an decree, and the courtiers never asked any questions. All in all, everyone tacitly pushed back the time of the court by half an hour.

  Zongzheng dragged the imperial doctor who was present yesterday and the foreign member of Dali Temple into the palace to face the holy.

  Emperor Tianyao is not enough to take care of his own body every day, but he can't tell how much energy to take care of other things. He heard that Zong Zhengqiu was a little surprised, but he didn't think about Xiao Jinghuai at all.

   In other words, for a while, he didn't even remember that there was still a Xiao Jinghuai imprisoned in the prison of the Zongren Mansion.

   He was only surprised, how big of a deal could this sect of people be? Why did you go to the Qianqing Palace so early in the morning to ask for a meeting?

Since the    person is here, he naturally cannot go away.

   Immediately ordered someone to come in.

  Zongzheng was in a state of panic and anxiety. He was afraid and afraid of death. When he came in, he knelt down and kowtowed to Emperor Yaodi with a mournful face: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, something has happened! The prison of the Zongren Mansion caught fire, Xiao Jinghuai, Xiao Jinghuai, he, he—"

   "What?" Emperor Tianyao's heart tightened, and he was dizzy for a while, staring at Zong Zheng in a hoarse voice: "You, tell me clearly!"

   Anyway, it was his son. Especially after realizing that Xiao Jingye is not a good thing, and then looking back at Xiao Jinghuai, it seems that it is not so hateful.

   He recalled more than once, if it wasn't for the exposure of the mine, Xiao Jinghuai might not have reached a certain point. Speaking of which, he didn't really have the intention to force the palace to rebel, but it was just a last resort.

   Now I suddenly heard that something happened to him, why is Emperor Tianyao not shocked?

   "Your Majesty!" Zongzheng burst into tears: "There is a fire, the fire is too big, there is no way to rescue Xiao Jinghuai, the minister is negligent, Your Majesty!"

   "What!" Tian Yaodi's mind burst with a "buzz", and the whole person was stunned.

However, this is still not enough, Zong Zheng is still crying and reporting: "The fire was set by His Royal Highness King Qi, and it was the hands of His Royal Highness King Qi! The people of Wei Chen had already caught him, but he was caught by unknown people again. Rescue, now, now whereabouts are unknown, Wei Chen——"

   "You, you, you say it again, who? Who set the fire?"

   "His Royal Highness King Qi, yes, His Royal Highness King Qi!"

   "It's impossible!" Tian Yaodi was frightened and angry, he didn't turn around in one breath, and rolled his eyes and fainted.

   "Your Majesty!"


   "No, the emperor passed out!"

   "Come on someone!"


  The entire Qianqing Palace was screaming and chaotic.

  How can the ministers who are preparing to go to court still have the heart to go to court? Everyone waited outside the palace gate. The six ministers, several scholars, Dali Siqing, Xiao Jingyu, and two or three high-ranking nobles hurried to the Qianqing Palace. They were anxiously waiting for news and asked Zongzheng how to return. thing?

   (end of this chapter)

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