Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1010: no one can afford

   Chapter 1010 No one can afford it

   "This king's identity is indeed special," Xiao Jingyu sneered: "This king is the nephew of the emperor's direct relative, so naturally he is different from you. Therefore, this king has to share his worries for the emperor and pay for Daqin. Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any questions?"

  This country belongs to Daqin and our Xiao family. Instead, I want to avoid suspicion, and I want to hand over the country to you?

   You don't even see if you are worthy!

   Several adults were speechless, their eyes widened and speechless.

   If there is something, everyone knows it well, everyone knows what's going on, but they can't say it. This layer of window paper cannot be pierced. Once it is pierced and said, it will change the taste.

  If something bad happens, no one can afford it.

  The atmosphere is a little dignified, and some swords are drawn. The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce coughed, and smiled to smooth things out: "Everyone is for the sake of the court, don't be restless, don't be restless. His Royal Highness King Zhan has always been trusted and valued by the emperor, and has been entrusted with important responsibilities. Now it is natural to do my part, Liu My lord, those words of yours are really exaggerated."

"Furthermore, what's the situation now? We can't make a fuss on our own! Rather than arguing here, it's meaningless, let's do a few more practical things. When the emperor gets better and finds His Highness King Qi, all problems will come naturally. It's easy to solve, don't you think?"

   Everyone nodded in agreement.

   Xiao Jingye's confidants were also a little panicked, and sighed and stopped talking.

  Yes, what's the use of arguing with His Royal Highness the King of War now? The most important thing is that the emperor gets better quickly, as long as the emperor gets better, his words are better than what they say!

   And His Royal Highness King Qi, where did you go? We have to find him quickly, as long as His Highness King Qi comes back, there will be nothing to do with His Royal Highness King Zhan. His Highness King Qi is in charge of the affairs and it is justifiable!

   Everyone reluctantly reached an agreement, simply divided the labor, talked about how to stabilize people's hearts, and then went out of the palace to go their own way.

   Xiao Jingyu first returned to the War Palace.

  Shen Liangwei was waiting for him, she was relieved to see him coming back, and said with a smile: "Now there is a lot of noise outside talking about the fire in the Zongren Mansion, is the prince okay? The prince is not involved in this matter, right?"

"What does this matter have to do with this king? This king is fine!" Xiao Jingyu smiled and laughed lightly: "The man in the palace was frightened, he had suffered a stroke after being greatly stimulated, and now he can't speak or move his hands. , I'm afraid I'm dying of anxiety. Seeing his powerless appearance, this king is really happy!"

  Shen Liangwei was a little worried: "Stroke? Zhang Yuan judged them to have good medical skills. Even if they can't be cured, it's not difficult for the emperor to speak. In a few days, the lord—"

"This king will pay attention to this matter. Since he has had a stroke, he naturally doesn't need to get better. It's good for everyone! Wei Er has been more careful recently, and if it's not necessary, don't go out again. This king has already arranged. There are enough guards, both openly and secretly, and the mansion is safe!"

   Shen Liangwei nodded.

  Xiao Jingyu has a lot of things to do now, stabilize the court, send people to stare at the confidants of Prince Qi’s mansion and Xiao Jingye, try to send a letter to Queen Fu, and Xiao Jingye, who rescued him?

   Originally, according to Xiao Jingyu's plan, his people would take Xiao Jingye away, and after a few days, they would find a corpse similar to his to make a fake death, and there would be no such person as King Qi in the world.

   (end of this chapter)

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