Daily Life of the Reborn Daughter

Chapter 1011: This country was originally his

   Chapter 1011 This country was originally his

   At that time, he was the emperor's closest blood relative, and even if the emperor was unwilling, he would force him to canonize himself as the crown prince, arranging his power.

   For such a long time, he had already arranged everything inside and outside the courthouse, waiting to drive the Emperor Tianyao to a dead end.

  He doesn't want to? Oh, if he doesn't want to, his two sons will really disappear from this world! I can't believe he can be so cruel.

   If he would rather never give back this state to himself, then he would have to admire him a little bit.

  How did Emperor Tianyao **** this splendid country from his hands back then, so today, he will return it to himself as it is.

   What he wanted was always what belonged to him, and what he wanted was revenge for his mother. It was already the biggest and most painful punishment for Emperor Tianyao to end up like this today, and he didn't need to ask him to die again.

   But he knew that every day he lived would be tormented in purgatory!

   He never thought of taking the lives of Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye, he would let them live, but His Royal Highness King Yong and His Royal Highness King Qi were already dead, and it was only Xiao Jinghuai and Xiao Jingye who were alive!

   He will let them live, as a commoner who has to hide his name and hide from the public, watching all the mistakes are corrected and everything is back on track.

   This country was originally his!

   His people rescued Xiao Jinghuai according to the original plan, and now Xiao Jinghuai is in his hands, but Xiao Jingye has changed.

   Before his people could take action, Xiao Jingye was snatched away.

   Those people grabbed Xiao Jingye and went straight out of the city. His men quickly chased away. The two sides fought once, but they did not take down Xiao Jingye.

   That group of people rushed to Xiao Jingye to flee to the north, and now his people are still chasing.

  Xiao Jingyu intuition that this matter is not simple, and has already sent more people to chase it. But what the final result will be, he is a little hard to say right now.

  According to his people's report, those people don't seem to be people from His Royal Highness Qi's mansion. They are much stronger. If His Highness Qi's Royal Highness really has such a group of powerful people, he will not appear so useless.

   Judging from the skill and stature of those people, it seems that they are somewhat like Yonghu people.

  This made Xiao Jingyu even more frightened, and secretly sent a letter to the border, be sure to be vigilant, keep an eye on the people entering and leaving, and detain them immediately if you find anything unusual.

  In the cold palace, Queen Fu once again waited for news from the outside world.

  What was different from the past was that the news she was waiting for this time came not from her people, but from Xiao Jingyu.

  Xiao Jingyu has long known that Queen Fu must still have someone outside. Maybe the news is not so well-informed, but with a little delay, the big events happening outside will still reach her ears.

   Instead of letting her know what she did when she lost hope about the fire in the Zongren Mansion, it is better to tell her personally and give her the details.

   Queen Fu heard Xiao Jingyu's voice indifferently and calmly talk about the fire in the Zongren Mansion, and heard that her son is now "dead" in the eyes of the world! There were no bones left in the sea of ​​​​fire that died in the prison of the Zongren Mansion. Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in his mind, his eyes darkened, and then he screamed: "No! Impossible! This is impossible!"

   And the man Xiao Jingyu sent stared at Empress Fu. He covered his face, revealing only a pair of stagnant eyes, and said coldly: "Xiao Jinghuai is not dead, why is Empress so excited?"

   (end of this chapter)

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