Chapter 1020 Frightened

   Imperial Concubine Yu was overjoyed, this time, it can be considered that she has left the cold palace that is not a place for people to stay.

   Concubine Yu immediately groomed and went in with Xiao Jingyu and two or three important court officials to greet Emperor Tianyao.

  As soon as Emperor Tianyao saw Concubine Yugui, he immediately became excited again, his eyes widened and he shouted "Ahhhh".

   He was shocked and angry, what happened? How did this **** get out of the cold palace?

who is it? Who let her out!

  Without his will, how could anyone dare to take over? It really makes no sense!

   Compared with Concubine Yugui herself, Emperor Tianyao was obviously more concerned about the fact that who had released her.

   As soon as he thought that his own power had been contaminated by others, Emperor Tianyao was so angry that he wanted to kill.

   Although he couldn't move or speak, it didn't delay his anger at all.

   He was still very angry, so angry that blood rushed to his forehead one by one, his eyes turned black, his cheeks twitched nervously, and drools flowed from the corners of his crooked mouth.

   The little **** hurriedly stepped forward to wipe it.

Concubine Yugui's mood was really complicated, surprised, frightened, and secretive and subtle, she cried and rushed forward and threw herself on the quilt, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty! How did you become like this, how could you change? It's like this oooooooooooooo."

   "Princess Concubine, don't do this, isn't it more uncomfortable for the emperor to feel like you?"

   Xiao Jingyu's cold tone came, and he was a little angry.

   All the ministers and imperial physicians voiced their consolation.

   Concubine Yu was a little embarrassed, her face was embarrassed, and everyone comforted her like this, as if she seemed very naive and deliberate.

She choked up while wiping away her tears: "What the King of War and the adults said is that Ben Gong is not good, and Ben Gong couldn't hold back when he saw the emperor like this -- everyone, don't worry, Ben Gong will not lose his composure again, Ben Gong. I will take good care of the emperor and hope that the emperor will get better soon."

   "My lords, don't worry about running the business, be sure to manage the affairs of the state, and don't let the emperor worry. There is also His Royal Highness Qi. All adults, please look for His Royal Highness Qi quickly and find out the truth of the matter."

   Hearing her mentioning King Qi, Emperor Tianyao was even more excited, ahhhh, he wanted to slap her face, but at this moment, he couldn't even move his fingers.

   "Don't worry, madam, this will be checked, otherwise, no one will be at ease!"

Xiao Jingyu said, and the Emperor Yaodi bent over and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the concubine, the concubine, cares about the emperor. Perhaps she has a good heart with the emperor, and she found out that the emperor was ill, so she broke out of the cold palace. The concubine insisted on staying in the Qianqing Palace to take care of the emperor. , Wei Chen, etc. are foreign ministers and cannot control the affairs of the palace. Moreover, the concubine's wishes for the emperor are true. After everyone's discussion, the imperial concubine will stay and take care of you. You will come back after you get better. Decide."

  Emperor Tianyao was so angry that he was about to die, each and every one of them, seeing that he couldn't move, he was full of energy, and he became unscrupulous, right?

   These one by one, what are they talking about! Do what!

   The **** Meng Shi, who is in trouble with Xiao Jingye, God knows what good things have been done behind her back, she is afraid that she is not looking forward to her early death!

   Let her take care of herself, can she have her own good?

   She definitely won't let herself speak, she definitely won't let herself speak. She will only care about her son, she will only hope that her son will be found as soon as possible, and then forcefully explain the sins of her son.

   I beg you guys



   (end of this chapter)

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